anything like this ever happen before? let's get him on some oxygen. the lungs are wet and his liver feels enlarged. five mil i.v. digoxin, stat. how's the family's insurance? mr. and mrs. archibald? trust me. you don't want to do that. no they don't. transplantation is always considered an elective procedure. this hospital's politics are particularly infuriating, but you're in the right place. believe me. you want dr. turner. his bedside manner is terrible, but he's one of the foremost surgeons in the country. i know it's outrageous, but don't give up. talk to your insurance company. check with our human resources department for medical assistance, state children's services, medicaid. just don't take no for an answer. mr. archibald. what are you doing? i'll need to do an internal examination on this woman. excuse me. i need to talk to you. now. this woman's six centimeters dilated and the baby is breech. i can't do anything for her here. she needs to be moved to maternity immediately. what about an el-vad? a left ventricular assist device. it's basically a pump inserted into the chest cavity, wired to the heart to keep it stimulated. john, you can't do this. no, you don't understand. you physically can't do it. we just can't remove your heart and put it into mike's body. you're the finest surgeon i've ever known. you can't just throw your entire career for this man. raymond, you're under a lot of stress. you're not yourself. he's going.