an amber light flashes through the darkness, followed by a rapid buzzing sound. the camera pushes in on a mammoth-sized printer, furiously pounding letters onto a fact sheet. we catch glimpses of peoples' names, hometowns, other vital information. vernell tilson, des moines. arthur friedlander, jefferson city. amy podgorsky, topeka. the daisy wheel buzzsaws across the page. we see more names, columns, entitled status, entry date. underneath the entry date heading, months and days appear: june 19, april 30. february 6. growing. names multiplaying. jones, baker, azbirjari, hererra. the daisy wheel pounds incessantly. we see more of the list this time. boldfaced columns appear: hospital. center, cross match, weight range, blood type. the daisy wheel keeps on turning. we see the words as they're printed. vernell tilson. status 2. arthur friedlander. status 3. amy podgorsky. status 2. and a new entry, mike archibald, age 9, 85 pounds. it's official. he's on the list. status 1. the daisy wheel buzzes, pounding letters onto the print page. mike archibald, hope memorial hospital, age 9, 85 pounds. blood type: b-positive. match.