it's standing room only. bodies everywhere. doctors and nurses move purposefully through the suffering masses. mike in his arms, j.q. and denise run double-time through the crowded corridors. j.q. and denise are escorted by the r.n. to the admitting desk. arms bent, fists clenched, they're pressing sterilized gauze pads to their inner elbow joints. j.q. paces next to the windows, sizing up the room. nearby, the hispanic baby wails. maguire leads lester back to the treatment area. lester hands him a baggie filled with three-severed fingertips. j.q. watches the police build-up outside. rosa is holding her baby, who is quieter now, not crying. j.q. paces the floor. it's slower now. everyone just sitting around, waiting to see what will happen. debby has pulled herself together for the time being. she calls out to john. the vending machines have been jimmied open and a huge pile of candy bars and soda cans sit on the waiting room table. everybody is chowing down. marjorie klein moves over with a very hysterical miriam in tow. j.q. puts down the walkie-talkie and points at miriam and rosa. more waiting.