it's empty. furniture, appliances, everything's gone. just a few boxes. john picks up the ringing phone. the police have cordoned off a section of the parking lot and transformed it into a command post. police personnel invade the area. tables, phones, and monitors are being set up. a black swat phone starts ringing and the policemen freeze. where's grimes? a computer cop runs over and calls out to the lieutenant. an armed sniper pops his head up and slithers along the plated aluminum floor of an ac duct, a remote mini-monitor in the palm of his hand. lampley is giving the thumbs up. they have picture. mike stops to catch his breath. he's really on his last legs. he just lays there a second before asking the big one. the hostages are glued to the tv set. maguire, julie, debby, marjorie klein hang on j.q.'s every word. reggie races through the hospital, weaving in and out of ambulatory and pedestrian traffic. in his hand, the all important fax.