i talked to the bank. they promised they'd work with me. baby, things will get better. i promise. i've just got to get a few paychecks ahead, that's all. ydugskew. iplglgnstheflgvthntdstscvmrcndthrpblcfw chtstndsnntnndrgdndvsblewithlbrtyndjstc rll. pledge of allegiance. i love you, kid. don't even think about it. give me your gun. what's going on here? start with him. what's the matter, doc? you want to see his insurance card first? this hospital is under new management, ladies and gentlemen. from now on, free care for everyone. kill the power. more hurt. i'm going to have to ask you to join the others, miss. what's the problem? this kid's got an ear infection. you. alright, then. leave the stretcher. go. beat it. do it. here we go. why'd you come to an er? why not go right to maternity? they're fine. first child? are you there, frank? i changed my mind. i am going to let some of the hostages go. but when i do, the clock starts. you have one hour to get back to me with some good news. i mean it, frank. if my boy's not on the list in an hour, i promise you someone's going to die. frank? vasta. vasta. let's go. oh, i'm kind of tied up right now. i can't get away. that's right, champ. not a thing, buddy. not a thing. we just have to put a new one in so you can be stronger, okay? yeah, mike. almost. i know you only think of mike as a patient, but he's a great kid. really. he's like magic, you know? he loves bodybuilding. you believe that? and he's funny. you'd like him, doc. you'd really like him, if you knew him. i don't think you understand. i'm not letting him die. haven't you figured that out by now? i don't care what i have to do. and we'll just see what happens. this is my will. i'm leaving my heart to my son. i need two witnesses. don't everybody jump at once. alright, people. see you in the funny papers. try to stay awake for a minute, will you? i just need to tell you a few things. i want you always to listen to your mother. because she's your best friend and family is important. and girls? you're too young for them now, but when the time comes, treat them like princesses because that's what they are. and if you say you'll do something, do it, because your world should be your bond. and if you have a chance to make money, go for it, even if it means selling out once in a while. don't be a knucklehead like your father. everything's so much easier with money. don't smoke. and try to be kind. but if someone chooses you, be a man and stand up for yourself. and don't get caught up in the bad things, there's too many great things out there. mike? it's okay, slugger. i'll be home soon. if you need anything, ask your mother. and jimmy and gina will be around. this is ridiculous. i don't even know these people.