what's the deal with the jacket? who died? what job? there are no jobs. forget it. oh, boy. you want me to go with you? this is a waste of time. four hundred people for one job. give me a break. i'm telling you, somebody's son, cousin, uncle has already got this job sewn up. they've got to put it in the paper to make it look good. state law or something. i'm just saying, it's the run around. mark my words. it's either, 'we'll keep your application on file.' that's the kiss of death. or they tell you that you're overqualified. either way, you're screwed. way to go, tommy. good eye. walk's as good as a hit. twelve, my ass. look at him. his beard just grew an inch between pitches! somebody call an ambulance. john! you know what you should do? you should try that newsguy that does all those special investigative reports. you know the one. the guy with the hair. the trouble shooter. channel eight. what's his name? lampley. tuck lampley. lots of reasons. he don't even understand half of them. right, right? that's what i thought. right. big guy versus little guy. we were thinking you could do one of them special interest pieces, you know? send donations, write your congressman. that kind of thing. give 'em hell, johnny. don't worry about nothing.