tuck lampley. hope you don't mind if i eat while we talk. i'm up to here today, you know? go, go, go. so, what can i do you for? why not? what about the hospital? yeah, hope memorial. don't they have to cover it? jesus. bureaucracy of the medical establishment, american family caught in the middle. what they've done to your son is outrageous, and i want to help. but i've got to run it by my producers. i've got bosses, just like anyone else. so, leave me your phone number, and i'll get back to you. is it a good enough story for you now, george? what do you think? yeah, well, screw you, too. there's a rumor floating around, frank. some guy's holding the hospital hostage. needs an operation for his kid. any truth to it? you're full of shit. this is big, isn't it, frank? i can feel it. come on, what do you got? hey, grimes. you're a real horse's ass. you know that? the gunman has just freed several hostages who will immediately be debriefed by members of the crisis team. will the man known as john q. get a heart for his little boy? time will tell. where this leads next is anyone's guess. live from hope memorial hospital, this is tuck lampley. they've got a camera in there. i don't believe it. they're watching a video feed. well, they're looking at something, freddy. and i need to know what it is. can you steal it? where's my picture? well, hurry up. i've got a contact in cardiology. the cops are setting up a phone call with this guy and his wife. this is going to be unbelievable. come on, goddammit. they're putting the call through. good. good. but where's the video? come on. i need picture. are we good? beautiful baby. you're a genius. this is tuck lampley at hope memorial hospital, where we are bringing you exclusive live coverage of a phone call between the father and the son he is fighting so desperately to save. oh my god. this is the greatest thing i've ever seen. this is my white bronco. all we know at this point is that an attempt has been made on the gunman's life. repeat. john q. has been shot. you're going to bust me? get real. you just shot an innocent man on primetime tv. the heart is here. repeat. the heart for little mike archibald has arrived. what an unbelievable ending to this incredible, tumultuous day. oh my goodness, here we go. the first of the hostages are being released. yes, they're coming out. there's one, two. they appear to be unharmed. but certainly exhausted from what must've been an excruciating ordeal. more, now. and there he is. john q. is coming out. the suspect's hands are up. he appears to be surrendering. and they've got him. the police have subdued him. the handcuffs are on, and it's over. it's all over. if pictures speak a thousand words, well, i'd say these images speak volumes. and now as the bloody stand off comes to an end, we remind you that channel 8 was here first and has brought you live, moment-to-moment, all-day coverage of "crisis at hope memorial.'