they want me to sign. far out. somebody get this man a band-aid. well, well, well. my man, mitch. mister girlfriend beater. what do you got to say now, bitch? nothing personal, doc, but you all are a bunch of damn crooks. it's all about getting paid, man. because then no one gets paid. more like the hipp-crit-cial oath to me. how's that go, doc? "i solemnly swear to take care of all sick folk, except those without major medical?" damn. yeah. finders keepers, man. what the hell. oh, shit. hey, john. you're on the tv, you know that? but that means you'll die, man. the boy crazy. what happened to mike is bad, man. it's the worst. it ain't fair, but you can't kill yourself. sometimes you've just got to let go and let god take care of it. you've got to accept it. aw, man, this is messed up. i ain't signing your death warrant. no way.