hey, cool tiger. looks proud. cool. my mom uses color-safe bleach. i don't know. i guess so. what are you going to do? i'm supposed to be running. so, what do you think we should do? yeah, typically. that's what happens when our moms and teachers get pregnant. yeah, wizard, i guess. i mean do what you think is right. whose idea was it? whose idea was it? i did the prep questions for this lab last night. you can copy my answers if you need to. but you copy my work every week. i don't mind. you definitely bring something to the table. or something. okay. i'm going to set up the apparatus. juno, want to get a c clamp out of that drawer? i don't think so. i'm not hungry, oddly. thanks for the message. you've mentioned it about fifty times. oh, hey vijay. yup. yup. yup. i don't really know anything about it. i can't grow a moustache. it never comes in evenly. hey juno. a couple of us are going to the cineplex after school to donut that movie with the guy with eighteen kids. okay, cool. what's up? i miss it too. so, it looks like you're getting pregnant-er these days. really? what are they like? is that normal? oh. that's a relief. i always think you're cute. i think you're beautiful. well, i do. hey junebug, when all this is over we should get the band back together again. we could get back together too. well, we were once. you know, that time. i don't like katrina. i don't. katrina smells like soup. her whole house smells of soup. um, hi? yeah, i did ask her if she wanted to go. a bunch of us from the team are going to benihana, then the prom, then vijay's parents' cabin. we're getting a stretch limo. you're mad. why are you mad? katrina's not my girlfriend! and i doubt she was actually giving you the stinkeye. she just looks like that all the time. you're being really immature. not this time. you don't have any reason to be mad at me. you broke my heart. i should be royally ticked at you, man. i should be really cheesed off. i shouldn't want to talk to you anymore. like i'd marry you! you would be the meanest wife of all time. and anyway, i know you weren't bored that day because there was a lot of stuff on tv. the blair witch project was on starz, and you were like, "oh, i want to watch this, but we should make out instead. la la la." yeah, well. i still have your underwear. oh my god, shut up! no. wait, let me take that. you shouldn't be carrying that heavy bag. i'll take it. did you put like a hundred things of tic tacs in my mailbox? why? well. thanks. i think i'm pretty much set until college on the tic tac front. you know it's okay. what, you mean as friends? i try really hard, actually. i was just bored. i only think school is awesome like, 80% of the time. it does? wizard! mine too. well, yeah. you're the best friend i've ever had, even when you're being kind of evil. can we make out now? you're a part time lover and a fulltime friend. the monkey on your back is the latest trend. i don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. we both have shiny happy fits of rage. you want more fans, i want more stage. i don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you. i kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train. i kiss you all starryeyed, my body's swinging from side to side. i don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else but you.