hi! i'm vanessa. you must be juno and mr. macguff. i'm vanessa. oh no. thank you. come on in. can i take your coats? you found us in the penny saver? i'll get drinks. what would everyone like? i've got pellegrino, vitamin water. oh, that's marvelous. so you're almost into your second trimester, then? the tough part's almost over for you. i mean, my girlfriends always tell me the first couple months are the hardest. i think pregnancy is beautiful. are you looking for any other compensation? you're doing an amazing and selfless thing for us. i want to be a mommy so badly! well, haven't you ever felt like you were born to do something? well, i was born to be a mother. some of us are. well, shall we start looking over the paperwork? gerta has already drafted some preliminary documents. sure. the powder room down here is being re-tiled, but you can use the master bath upstairs. go up, then turn left and on your right. a pilates machine? you don't make anything. it's for exercising. will you excuse me? you guys are playing music? i think gerta is waiting for us downstairs with some important stuff for us to go over. didn't mean to interrupt the jam sessions. juno, we'd really appreciate it if you could keep us updated on any doctor's appointments, ultrasounds, other things of that nature. so, then, you really think you're going to go ahead with this? how sure? percentage-wise, would you say you're 80% sure, 90% sure? oh really? mark? are you home? i want to show you some things i picked up. juno! god, you startled me. what are you doing here? what's wrong? then what's going on? is the baby okay? what. oh my god. yeah. yeah, it kind of does. oh, that's great! oh it's just some stuff i picked up. for, you know, the baby. babies need a lot of things. i want everything to be just right. um, i think people are kind of unsure about the situation because it's not, you know, set in stone. no, no, i don't think that, juno. it's just that, we went through a situation before where it didn't work out. right. well, juno, your parents must be wondering where you are. you might want to head home. what do you think? custard or cheesecake? well, i wanted to pick something gender-neutral for now. once we get the baby, god willing, we can create a more decisive palette. i think i'm leaning toward custard in this light. i don't know. i should paint a small area. what to expect says that readying the baby's room is an important process for women. it's called "nesting." you should read the book. i even flagged the "daddy chapters" for you. and i disagree. that wall is going to need something. maybe we could put our first family picture there. can you see it? juno? just, you know, shopping with my girlfriends. no. oh, okay. so. how are you feeling? that's great. um. juno, can i -- can i touch it? i can't feel anything. it's not moving for me. hi. hi, baby. it's me. my name is vanessa. i can't wait to meet you. can you hear me sweet angel? oh my god -- it moved! i felt it! wow! it's magical. juno? what's going on? mark? why is juno crying? hold on. juno, what's the matter? what did you do? what? what are you referring to? of course we're ready. we've taken all the classes. the nursery. the books -- juno, don't worry about this. he just has cold feet. that's how boys are. the books all say the same thing. a woman becomes a mother when she gets pregnant. a man becomes a father when he sees his baby. he's going to get there. he'll get there. why don't we let juno go home and we can discuss this later on, okay? she answered our prayers. what are you saying? what would be a good time for you? like what? be a rock star? you're trying to do something that's never going to happen. and you know what? your shirt is stupid. grow up. if i have to wait for you to become kurt cobain, i'm never going to be a mother. no, it's fine. thanks for making the call, i guess. we're actually, finally doing this? have you found a place to stay? a hotel? aren't you the cool guy? i wanted a baby so bad. so bad. it's for me. i have a son? i have a son. how do i look?