oh, you'd survive just fine without me. come on, dennis, he knows your technical contributions have made it all possible. oh mr. hammond, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but muldoon needs you by the pit. they'll be by the trike's in a moment. trike's sick again. it's natural. they can't fully appreciate that we've engineered the animals and the park for total safety. you can't make people experience wonder. better rout the tour back. they can start again sun-up tomorrow morning. well, at least he knows what he's doing. jesus, the computer's gone down. that's not the worst of it. because nedry messed with the code. that's why i'm checking it. that's true. keychecks will give me a record of every button nedry pushed. jesus, that's all he did all afternoon? he was just dicking around, maybe waiting to get his nerve up. some sort of object. let's see if we can trace it. it wasn't a bug. it was a trap door that fat bastard left for himself. when he hit whte-rbt. obj, it initiates a set of commands that turned the whole goddamn park off. hammond was right about him. that's it. right. and it does something else. it erases the code lines that refer to it. it destroys all evidence it was ever there. watch this. hot damn! you bet they are. it will take a few seconds to get up to full power, because we've got fift y miles of fence out there, and the generator has to feed the capacitors along the way. but in a half a minute we'll be back in business. got them too. it will be a few minutes while the computer counts. then i'll tell you where grant and the kids are and you can go and get them. but every- thing's working. half past ten and we've got the whole thing back up and running. there's a lot of extraneous movement out there. branches blowing, birds, back- ground movement. it may take, ah, okay, count's finished. hmmmm. i don't see them. maybe they're out of range of a sensor. ah hell. i just can't find it. nedry jammed all the communication lines. he inserted some command, a lockout into the program code. i can't find it, because i gave that restore command and it erased part of the program listings. shut the system down? i've never done that before. and i'm reluctant to do it. maybe it's tr ue, all systems will come on, but maybe they won't. well, it's just that the safety systems don't function with the computer shut down and - okay. you asked for it. and you got it. thirty seconds. memory should be cleared by now. damn. oh hell! i have to turn the safety switches back on before i restart the power. thank god! no, it sounds dead but after a reset, all system modules have to be brought on line manually. okay, we're up again! can't be - the duckbills. it's the rex . i'm sorry, mr. hammond. i'm not. can't be. i know it's hard, i know it's hard, but i'm going to put it all back together for you - i promise. i will jesus. the auxiliary generator fires up first and then that's used to start the main generator because it needs a heavy charge. the main generator has to be manually reset. backup power doesn't generate enough amperage to power the electrified fences, so they were automatically kept off. that's also why we had no phones or radio. yes. yes, yes, yes. i'm afraid so. what's that steam coming out of my generator room?