she jumps. a defensive posture against a vicious, blood-thirsty t-rex? i bet is was a mating ritual. excuse me, dr. grant. but . fact is, we're late. there's the car. you know, if ev ery scientist stuck to his method like you, there would be no body of theory - no quasars, no big bang - we're leaving the raptor dig - - because gennaro is paying us sixty thousand dollars to observe some resort of hammond's in costa rica. and that's - this is exciting! how the hell is he landing this thing? this is not fun. i don't like this feeling . aggressive growth, huh? the audicity of man to get here at the last second and think he runs the show. just what is it you're trying to clone? dr. grant's embarrassed that his book was so widely successful. he wrote if for gra duate students. you created dinosaurs? who gave you the right to do that? who polices the computer? put in a piece of amber, find a mosquito, drill it out. right? i'll tell you something that troubles me from the start. the carnivores are all well-fed and kept separated from their the carnivores will want to hunt. it's an instinct. and that instinct will have to be satisfied or suppressed. alan? alan? he fainted! what to you mean? spitter! are we dreaming all this? microvesicles. interesting. what does sh e eat? where does she feed? west indian lilacs! extremely smooth. purple stains, could be those lilac berries. so, she poisons herself periodically. i'm staying. you read my mind. i think she's sicker then they're saying. her skin is dry and flaky. and her gums are pale. i'm going to talk to dr. wu. no! i'm going with you, muldoon. lot of track in college. oh, my god! where's the other one? then they must be out there. they must be out there. i know it. no! they're out there. looks like you've been through this before. right. i need to find wu. i have to run a few tests in his lab. no sign of those berries. really interesting. there are indications of a similar virus in every tissue sample. but it's not in the ground. could i look at some of the discarded embryos? and yet from what harding tells me, many of you animals have similar symptoms - besides the microvesicles, a lack of hunger, loss of reproductive urges, sores in the mouth and gums. why don't you get some sleep, dr. wu? i'm just going to run a couple more tests and then i'm going to turn in myself. i'm here to investigate this park. and there's plenty you haven't told me. these bones aren't fully formed. right. what the hell is going on, wu? gennaro's losing a lot of blood. he needs transfusions. we gotta get a rescue helicopter. arnold, what's with the phones? find what? look, there is a sick man here who needs medical attention or he'll die. four people are out there, missing in your park. we need search teams. we have to have a phone or radio. well? - turn the goddamn safety systems off! can't you get it through your head that we have no choice? how long do we have to wait? what's wrong? arnold! they're still not working. no we're not. phones still dead. what's happening? what? you running on auxiliary power? arnold's not with you? wait. what about arnold? hey you cretaceous dromaeosaur, you can't catch me. hey, come and get me, you flat-snouted mongolian beast. hey! i'm going in. muldoon, cover the door after i go in. wu, guide me! damn, i banged my head. one - two - three! raptor! come on, wu! come on! run! they're coming inside! why didn't the power go on? why don't you just nail that bastard? how long? there's a raptor on the roof of this building. open that gate and you're a dead man. shut up and listen. we have about fifteen minutes here. the computer has to be rebooted. that'll turn on the electric fences. besides the r aptor stuck in here with us, there are four more . ah, alan, nobody here knows how to boot the computer. please hurry, we've only got a couple minutes left. ok, we're all right here for now. but there's still one more raptor. so be careful. they're so beautiful. they're condemned, aren't they? even those embryo fragments had the same viral contamination. you have a theory? so the very process itself was flawed.