i've asked hammond to arrange independent site inspections every week for the next three weeks. insists nothing's wrong on the island. no, i don't. i spent a lot of time with him five years ago when we raised the capital. and it was a wild ride. he's unpredictable, a dreamer. the firm owns five percent. general. it seemed wise at the time. we all wanted the park to happen. it was in lieu of fees. i think so. that guy grant's a hotshot in his field, always goes his own way - hammond asked to place the calls himself. i think he wants to pretend the park is not in trouble. that it's just a social invitation, showing off the island. no problem. relax, relax. hot, hot, hot. ten billion bucks and the air conditioning sucks. mr. hammond, this is a serious investiga- tion of the island, not a weekend excursion or a social outing. we're talking about the safety of this place! at least every rich child. and if you're not interested? so naturally, hammond's going to present everything in the best light. i need to know that this park is safe. how do you mean? looks like rain to me. ever get the feeling we're just hammond's damn guinea pigs? my god, we're going to make a fortune here! poisonous d inosaurs, there's a liability issue without a lot of precedent. hey regis, where are your rain gods? it's gonna pour. let's finish our tour. i knew we shouldn't have kids here. when's the damn power coming on? holy shit! any suggestions what we do now? extinct animals should stay extinct! that rex didn't even give me his full attention. that's what hurts. i was just an afterthought. i gave him my full attention. not enough. yo ho, i'll close this place down . oh good, 'cause i love the park! it's more than we ever dreamed! those brachiosaurs are so big! and those spitters - - incredible! i only have one problem. aren't we going to have pterodactyls? oh, they'd fly away!