it is truly, whats the word? inspiring. we even have two seats reserved aboard the first commercial moon flight. once-in-a-lifetime. you see, that's just the thing. paul and i have special permission to fly low. from what i understand, it's pretty much whatever we want. dr. grant, you don't know how important it is for us to have you come along. it would make all the difference. it's going to be all right. just. eric! eric! are you there honey? ben! erriccc! errr-iiic! what? what's a bad idea? we can't just. oh, my god! paul, my god! our son is on this island. we need your help to find him. he's with a man named ben hildebrand. a friend. we were vacationing. eric wanted to see the island and the dinosaurs, so ben found a guy who would take them parasailing. they never came back. still, you have survived the dinosaurs before. you saved those kids. he's smart, dr. grant. and he knows so much about dinosaurs. nothing you haven't seen before. how much weight have you lost? you hate to swim. so do you. eric! well we should split up or something. we can cover twice the area. dr. grant says this, dr. grant says that. because "dr. grant" isn't looking for eric. dr. grant is looking for the coast. oh, don't worry about that. nothing. nothing. just drop it paul! eric. that's ben's! it works! i filmed this the morning they left. no, it's. its not about him. it's eric. he's alone out here somewhere. our baby is all alone. i guess i was hoping that with ben around, there'd be someone to keep him safe. whats a raptor? wait! where's billy? i thought we weren't suppose to yell. eric! what the hell. this is how you make dinosaurs? push! he's this way. we have to help him. he's not a kill, he's still alive. we can't just stop looking. eric and dr. grant are out there somewhere. well dr. grant isn't here, so we're going to have to figure out what to do ourselves. well what? this wouldn't happen if he was with you. i mean, you drive five miles below the speed limit. i totaled three cars in fives years. he would have been, safe. completely, entirely, suffocatingly safe. i would have him to see more of the world than enid, oklahoma. i wanted to see more of the world than enid, oklahoma. and so yes, it's my fault that this happened. i'm sorry that you have to be here. what about eric and dr. grant? what about eric? you had the phone the whole time? when did you have it last? think. what?. what!? sweetheart, you're okay. you're okay. you're okay. then we go home. you okay? do you think it goes all the way across? eric, its okay. you'll be right behind me. okay! come on, eric! what is it? paul! where is he? can you see him? you couldn't have made that jump. how would you have helped eric? he needs you, paul. he needs us. but he didn't. and neither did you. and i'm glad about that. i've got it! i've got it! i wouldn't trust stan with a snowball in a blizzard. who are you calling? paul! just hold on. i know. i know. i want to look for him too. let me tell you a few things about you dad, okay? he's very very very clever, very very brave, and he loves you ever very much. okay. he loves us very very much. and i know that right now more than anything, your dad would want to know that we're safe. okay? we're going to get out of this, and everything's going to be all right, i promise. we should try fishing again. i do. it's worth another shot. and who knows? things might turn out differently. you have to go back! we can't leave him! they're not following. i would completely support that.