you need to go slowly. see, just take it little at a time. technically, it's all rock. the calcium in the bones is replaced during fossilization. but you can feel the difference. see? rough, smooth. rough, smooth. dr. grant! how was your trip? profitable? three weeks. i had to rent some equipment. it's a rapid prototyper. i feed in the scan data from the raptor skull, than the computer breaks it into thousands of slices which this thing prints, one layer on top of the other. it's the future of paleontology. i give you a raptor's resonating chamber. they're here. how low? no way. this is lucky. couple years ago some buddies and i went hang gliding off these cliffs in new zealand. updraft sent me right into the side. boom! it was this strap alone that saved my life. got caught on a rock as i was falling. listen alan, i really appreciate you bringing me along. so how do you know the kirby's? what religion? alan. we're almost there. admit it. you're excited. i'm so use to seeing bones. it's weird to see skin. i think they're looking for someone. is it a rex? what about the other guy? is anyone hurt? over here! who's that? that was isla nublar. this is isla sorna. the second island. obviously a superpredator. suchimimus. that snout. baryonyx? i don't remember that on ingen's list. so mr. kirby, tell me, when you climbed k2, did you base camp at 25- or 30,000 feet? about a thousand feet above it, actually. most mountain-climbers remember how tall that mountains were. i don't suppose that check you wrote us is any good. it looks intact. here! i got some great pictures of the nest. you know this proves raptors raised their young in colonies. this speaks to a larger social structure, the possibility of darwinian altruism. it changes everything. we could co-write a paper. thank god for preservatives. okay if i take pictures? alan! he's right. a predator wouldn't leave a kill wounded. they set a trap they actually set a trap. i dont know. dr. grant was. we need to stick to the plan. head for the coast. going to the coast was alan's idea. if he's alive, thats where he's headed. sure. where is it? alan, i want to tell you that i'm so sorry about the. please, okay? just yell at me. call me an idiot. an asshole. stupid. tell me i screwed up because i know i did. i thought if we could get a raptor back to the mainland, we could get serious money for it. enough to fund the digging for 10 years. more. whatever it took. you have to believe me. i did it with the best intentions. it won't hold! i can get him! i know the consequences! eric! hold on! let go! get back! get back!