oh, actually, charlie, those two are herbivores. they wouldn't be interested in fighting each other. but these. see, these are carnivores. and this one here -- see its claws -- this one here uses its claws to gouge at the throat of its opponent… hmm? oh, right. happy dinosaurs. what's my name? come on, jack, say it. is my name alan? say my name. he used to know me. really? what do you do there? indeed. we have a new site in montana. at least until the money runs out. raptors, mostly. you remember the sounds they made? we've done cranial scans, and raptors actually had a quite sophisticated resonating chamber. i have a theory that their ability to vocalize is the key to their social intelligence. the way they can work together as a team. to a degree we never imagined. it was never easy, but before jurassic park, you could find money. somewhere. now fossils are out. everyone wants to see a real live dinosaur. the last of my breed. i'd better get going. okay. goodbye, ellie. a well-accepted theory. it's through the painstaking study of the interior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine this exciting correlation between the larynx and the upper plate. that lets us theorize -- theorize, mind you -- that the raptor might have been capable of bird- like vocalizations. which as you can imagine, would be a tremendous breakthrough. does anyone have a question that doesn't relate to jurassic park? no, and let me be perfectly clear on this point. dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago. what's left of them is fossilized in stone the actual scientists spend years to undercover. what john hammond and ingen created are theme park monsters. nothing more, nothing less. no force on this earth or in heaven could get me on that island. mr. brennan. we'll be broke in four weeks. you rented an automated litter box. not if it can't dig. absolutely not. what? yes? what can i do for you, mr. kirby? you know, i've been traveling and i'm very tired. maybe some other time. it's be my pleasure. thank you. hmmm. that's a very nice offer, mr. kirby, but i'm afraid i'm much to busy. if you like i can refer you to a number of highly qualified. i'm flattered, but i've taken this little adventure tour. and with the air restrictions they've imposed after the incident in san diego, you cant fly low enough to see anything of interest. that's hard to believe. even with what i pay you, you could get a better bag. that does sound lucky. reverse-darwinism. survival of the most idiotic. the bones will be there when we get back. that's the nice thing about them. they never run away. and besides, you got me into this. i don't intend to be alone with these people. there. there! an apatosaur. look at the coloration. mr. and mrs. kirby! if you look out the right you can see. that's not the landing gear? what you're. you can't land. this plane can not land! tell me we didn't land. what the hell is going on? what are they doing? mr. kirby, trust me, on this island, there is no such thing as safe. we have to get back in this plane. and tell your wife to stop making so much noise! we're food to these damn animals. i don't think so. sounds bigger. this way! don't worry. it's dead. nobody move a muscle. come on! why did you bring us here? so you hired these mercenaries. then you duped us into coming here. i have never been on this island! a few of us survived. a lot more died. and we were better prepared and better armed. how many days have they been missing? after what you've seen today, you really think your son could be alive? no, i'm sorry, but no. we'll savage what we can from the plane. then we head for the coast. there may be a boat left, something to get us off this island. you can stick with us, or you can go and look for him. either way you're probably not getting out of here alive. how would you classify it? they never got that big. not with that sail. spinosaurus aegypticus. that's because it wasn't on their list. who knows what else they were up to? there is no kirby enterprises, is there? quiet! we should take it with us to signal any planes. raptors. if we came across one, we might live. but you never came across just one. ah yes, the first rule of academics. publish or perish. this is how you play god. back out! move! she's calling for help. head for the trees! keep going! what does that mean? what are you saying? god damn you, billy. it means, "give us the egg," doesn't it? "we want the egg." eric. eric, your parents are both here. on the island. you'd be surprised what people can do when they have too. which one do you prefer? back then, they hadn't tried to eat me. any weapons, radios? it's a wonder you aren't. i'm amazed, eric. i barely lasted 30 hours. you lasted eight weeks. the important thing is we both made it. that's something we have in common. did you read malcolm's book? what did you think? that's two things we have in common. a raptor claw. i use to have one. a fossil. how much of this island have you explored? we need to head for the coast. why? we need to keep moving. billy, i can't talk to you now. some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions. you rushed in with no thought to the consequences, to yourself or anyone else. you're no better than the people who built this place. we climb down to the barge and follow the river out to the ocean. with any luck, the costa rican coast guard will pick us up. how about if we try this way? one way to find out. we'd better do this one at a time. come on over. one at a time. oh, my god. a bird cage. split up! billy! wait! no! he made it! billy, look out! billy! no. although i've studied them in the wild. i have a theory that there's two kinds of boys. those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts. see, i was the opposite. i never understood why anyone would want to go into space. it's so dangerous. you do one thing wrong and you're dead. the astronomer -- or the paleontologist -- get to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety. and truthfully, everything you really need to learn, you can learn it from the ground. exactly. the difference between imagining how things might be and seeing how they really are. to be able to touch them. that's what billy wanted to do. keep quiet. find it before it stops ringing! well, we don't exactly have a costa rican phone book here, so it will have to be somebody we know in the states. someone we can absolutely count on to send help. bonitas. get the motor going. pick up! pick up! charlie? charlie. get your mother. right away! charlie? are you there? charlie! it's the dinosaur man! go get mommy, okay? ellie! up! up! jump! swim for the far shore! she's the one person i could always count on. and she's saved me more times than she realizes. i owe her everything. it's strikes me now i never told her that. you're right. eric, do you know what happened to the boat? that brought you here? why did it crash? do me a favor. go back to your parents for a minute, would you? they look worried. no we're not. no! stay back! they're in the trees! we have to cut it! find something sharp! the population will stabilize eventually. they'll adapt to fit different roles. so do i.