well sir, i am a great admirer of yours, and i have an extremely interesting proposition to discuss. would you let my wife and i take you to have dinner tonight? our treat. i guarantee it'll be worth your while. first off let me say as a dinosaur enthusiasts, amanda and i have admired your work for years. amanda and i, well, we just love the outdoors. heck we've been on pretty much any adventure tour they can come up with: galapagos, k2, the nile. now, for our wedding anniversary this year we wanted to do something really special, something. we've arranged for a private airplane to take us flying over isla sorna. and we want you to be our guide. no, no, see dr. grant, you're the best. you've seen these animals in the flesh. no one else has come close to you. well, i'm no aviation specialist. but i do know it's hell of a lot lower than anyone else. let's just say that through my business -- imports. exports, emerging markets -- i've made some friends in high places. in this case, the costa rican government. dr. grant if you'd just sit tight, we'll explain this all in a jiffy. dr. grant, are you alright? i'm sorry we had to be so. establishing a perimeter. making it safe. these guys are really good. one of them was a green. amanda, honey! dr. grant says it's a bad idea! he says it's a bad idea! what was that? what's the problem? can't you guys? don't worry, honey. we'll circle around and come back. what are you doing? that's mr. cooper! right here! what is it? what's the matter? this is him. eric. hes thirteen now. he's just about the greatest kid in the world. her new boyfriend. we called everyone, did everything we could. because of all the controversy over this island, no one will step in. costa rica says it's a no-fly zone, it's their own damn fault. guys at the u.s embassy -- our u.s. embassy -- said we should "accept the inevitable." you believe that? we needed somebody who knew the lay of the land. somebody who'd been to this island before. sure you have. you wrote that book. i didn't know, there were two islands. eight weeks. dr. grant, we're not leaving without our son. what do we do? excellent. sorry. twenty, twenty-fire pounds. i've been swimming at the y. people change. you look good. thirty-thousand, i think. closer to the top. there is. i own a place called kirby paint and title plus. we're out in the westgate shopping center in enid, oklahoma. the "plus" is for bathroom fixtures, fireplaces accessories, patio furniture. stuff like that. mortgaged everything we had to do it. even the store. and if we make it off this island with my son, i swear, i'll make good on the money i owe you. i don't care if it takes me the rest of my life. stop that. dr. grant says this is dangerous territory. no, dr. grant says. well what's the use of hiring an expert if your not going to listen to him? fine. and when the tricyclatops comes after you, don't come crying to me. what? what did you say? what did you say! young adult. that's him. thats eric! see? he's okay. he's alive! everything's going to be all right now. amanda! i'm sorry amanda. i am. and i'm sorry for the things i said about him. i know you liked ben. i had no right to. well that's good. i bet there's a very good chance eric's in there. i'd bet my bottom dollar. eric! are you here? let's see. i've got about a dollar seventy- five. how about you guys? amanda! in here! udesky. it's not safe. they couldnt climb up, so they were trying to get us to come down. where's grant? i want to find them too, but we can't do a bit of good right now. for every scary thing we saw in the daylight, i'll bet there ten times more of 'em at night. am i right? i thought you were an expert. i just want you know, amanda. it's not your fault what happened. well damn it. i don't speak ill of the dead. what i'm trying to say is, its was just a crazy accident. the exact same thing could have happened if he was with me. you can't go beating yourself up about it. that one time was just the bumper. i'm not sorry at all. he's probably has a better chance by the coast as it is. figures that all the big dinosaurs would live in the center of the island. right? my phone. i don't know. i don't have it with me. i don't remember the plane. i got a call on the plane, put it in my coat pocket, and. i loaned it to nash. he must have had it on him when he. never had a doubt. never did. us kirby men, we stick around, huh? honey, there's not enough spit in the world for that. dr. grant? we're not going anywhere, i promise. how 'bout if i. that's it eric. nice and easy. eric! eric! i'm trying! that thing took him down this way! hang on, eric! it's no use, dr. grant. no use. my own kid was right in front of me and i didn't do a damn thing. i should have tried. it should have been me on that beach back there, not billy. he could have died. i've got something. i think i've got something! can't help but be a little offended. whatever you do, don't call the u.s. embassy. they won't do a god damn thing. stan. good thing i've been swimming, huh? you remember when we went fishing last summer? and i was trying to put the boat in and the trailer sank? and then the tow truck came and tried to pull it out, but it got dragged in? and the truck driver threatened to knock your dad's lights out? so i said i was the governor and he believed me? that was a fun day. you mean it? helicopters. helicopters! either that, or the government will firebomb it back to the stone age.