udesky. yes sir. we're good to go. i'll lock it down as soon as you drop me the payment. that's right, two of the very best i could find. no, i haven't worked with them personally, but they come with the highest recommendations. you've got nothing to worry about, sir. this is going to be a piece of cake. cooper! yell up if you see anything! south shore is clear. the rest is rock. we're on. we gotta go, now! coop's a professional. he can handle himself. quiet! we're okay. let's everybody just stay put. we prefer "recovery specialists." we do overseas custody issues and. well, i think we should start searching for your son. in the direction they're going. he paid us half up front. cash. however long that is. if they split up, i'm going with you. hey. got something here. here, give that to me. i think i've got it. i don't know for how long. dr. grant! they don't look that big. i mean, comparatively.