ed's a little more bs than pr. mr. gennaro, nice to have you back. these raptors are too damn dangerous. one of them tunneled out this morning. he ripped a boy's arm off before i could get a bullet in him. john, they're mean as scorpions and smart as chimps. their little fingers make them natural cage-breakers. we should terminate the raptor program. they're just too smart. too damn smart. john, remember back in '88, when we started to build the containment devices? okay! get a 'dozer, start digging round the pit. we're gonna bury some fence. and wear your rifle when you're working! just checking in. everything ok? that's what i'm afraid of. john, the generator's shut down. who cut the power? get out, get out! i need this jeep. there's a problem with the tour. ellie, hammond'll fill you in. strong legs. ellie! wait up. t-rex tracks. perhaps. i've seen a lot of animal attacks in the bush. it's not as gory and horrifying to see as you'd think. no pools of blood or exposed bones. there is usually little or no evidence left behind. and if victims are small, a predator can kill by just shaking the little thing to death, eating it, and leave not so much as a button. thank god. we have to carry him. first i have to . he's losing a lot of blood. help me. i told you i've seen big game attacks in africa. we found gennaro. he'd badly injured. harding's tending to him in your quarters. he'll be all right if we can i certainly hope so. just so you understand that they're missing, sir. what is it? that's what? the fences and the power? nedry could steal the eggs, get back and reset the whole show. no one would ever miss him. are the fences back on? motion sensors? just hiss. what is taking so damn long? where are they? shit. i don't know where they are. i wish i could go out there but i haven't got anything to use on the rex. my rocket launcher's in the jeep nedry stole. and going out with a big gun in the dark would be suicide where the hell are they going? let's see what's up. i found nedry! son-of-a-bitch. he's taking a nap. hasn't been this well fed . ever. i know it's a valuable animal. this doesn't mean the fences have been off since six-thirty, does it? all of the fences? including the velociraptor mesh? no, no way. last time, it took 'em two days to chew through that mesh. but give 'em enough time, they'll get out. we better get that power on now. relax, it's just refrigerated air. there's a leaky cooling pipe. i fixed it a couple times before but the original installation was at too sharp an angle. just go and turn on your generator, then get right back to the control room. raptors chewed their way out. all five are out there. i was hoping he was ba ck here already. okay wu, i'll have you covered at every moment. but this shell carries quite a punch, so if you're too close, it'll take a piece of you. ellie's on the headset with you. if another ones come at you, let her know. then ellie - you start jumping and yelling. the buggers are easily distracted. they'll come running and let wu get that power on. then both of you, get behind this fence as quick as possible. wu, get away. give me room to shoot. you ok? no they're not, ellie. i couldn't compromise everyone's safety. you just reset the power. now the computer has to be booted. no more ammo. i requisitioned six charges but the bean-counter - - cut it down to two. well, they seem to be getting faster all the time. i would say - fifteen minutes.