welcome to jurassic park. you are now entering the lost world of the prehistoric past, a world of mighty creatures long gone from the face of the earth, which you are privileged to see for the first time . we'll begin our tour today with the herbivores . and the grasses are a species of juniper, and samples can be purchased at the gift shop. now, if everyone will take a look to the right . gallimimus, known as the ostrich dinosaur for the shape of its shoulders, have a very strong nesting instinct . lots more to see in the herbivore section of our park. but as we come alongside out jurassic jungle river to the left, let's try and catch a glimpse of a very unusual and dangerous carnivore. look across the river and above . and there they are! dilophosaurus is one of the earliest carnivores. scientists once thought their jaw muscles were too weak to kill, but now, through the miracle of their cloning, we know dilophosaurs spit venom, a poison which causes blindness and then unconsciousness. enjoy a healthy snack. this is also a good time to .