hi! ed regis. real big welcome to isla nublar, dr. grant, dr. sattler. little tough landing here, i know. but you did it! come on down, we're so happy to have you. now, watch your step. out animals are greeting you! i hope you brought your bathing suits! doesn't this mist and these plants really create a bonafide prehistoric feeling? there's the visitor's center. mr. hammond is dying to see you guys. you bet! hey! great day for a tour! no! i told the rain-god to hold it off till we got back. that's richard kiley. we spared no expense. look . something's out there . congratulations. you're the first kids in the whole wide world ever to see real dinosaurs. oh, she'll be up and around in no time. after a big night, i feel the same way. you know, dr. grant, hammond likes to come here in the evening and just sit. good question. would if she could, believe me. some- times she stands by the lagoon and stares at those animals, and wiggles those little forearms of hers in frustration. but the t-rex territory is completely enclosed with trenches and fences. believe me, she can't go anywhere. looks like the rex will have its snack a little later today. sure. rest stop. yes. but she never comes here. i don't know why not. probably too much construction. everything's just fine. it's a temporary glitch due to the rain. no doubt, they're going to re-rout some circuits back at the mainframe. we'll have the power back on in moments. let's get back in the cruisers, they may start up, and i'd like us all to be seated in them. no, darling, of course not. don't you worry about d inosaurs. they're all very safe in their paddocks just like animals in a big, strong zoo. they're not going anywhere we don't tell them to go. timmy, can you give her the goggles? let me see. give them to men, sweetheart. that's what they saw. uh, it's a hundred miles to puntaremas. about a sixteen hour voyage in this weather. when the electricity comes back on, honey. these cars run on electric cables buried in the road. must be turning on the electricity. jesus christ. jesus christ. the fence isn't electrified. noooooo! you don't want to hurt mr. regis. go away. ed's your friend. back off!