no, no, look at the plans, henry, you can't place that strut laterally, it has to be crosswise, look at the plans! minimal. light and strong, light and strong, sure, why not, it's only impossible. god save me from academics. former academic. now i actually make things. i don't just talk. it doesn't matter what i think. lindstradt air rifle. fires a subsonic fluger impact-delivery dart. like if you shoot yourself in the foot? wouldn't matter. you'd be dead before you realized you'd accidentally pulled the trigger. -- god! fire! we've got a lot of heavy marching ahead of us. i'm not carrying anybody. why didn't you tell us about these guys, ian?! what is that they have with them? give me the radio. sarah, come in! they're going back into the jungle. thank god. thank god. hang on -- hang on -- hey! hello?! catch! climbs up if you can! damn it!