with roland and ludlow gone on the hunt and the rest of the group inside the operations building, main street stands deserted and silent. malcolm, sarah, kelly, nick and finally dr. juttson run out the front of the operations building. at the end of the street, they can see the helicopter as it descends slowly over the building, to land on its roof. nick drags a badly limping malcolm down the main street. they can see helicopter at the far end, engine roaring and searchlight playing over them as they draw closer. they approach a rusted, abandoned pickup in the middle of the street -- kelly remains huddled under the fallen shed, trembling with fear. she holds her breath and freezes, as just outside, only two feet from where she's hiding -- sarah sprints down the main street as fast as she can, toward the building on which sits the helicopter. above her, she can see nick has now reached the helicopter and is waving to her.