ian! don't linger in the doorway like an ingenue, come in, come in! when you have a lot of time to think, it's funny who you remember. it's the people who challenged you. it is the quality of our opponents that gives our accomplishments meaning. i never told you how sorry i was about what happened after we returned. it's the lawyers. the lawyers are finally killing me. you were right -- and i was wrong. there! did you ever think you'd hear me say that? spectacularly wrong. instead of observing those animals, i tried to control them. i squandered an opportunity and we still know next to nothing about their lives. not their lives as man would have them, behind electric fences, but in the wild. behavior in their natural habitat, the impossible dream of any paleontologist. i could have had it, but i let it slip away. thank god for site b. well? didn't it all seem a trifle compact to you? the hatchery, in particular? you know my initial yields had to be low, far less than one percent, that's a thousand embryos for every single live birth. genetic engineering on that scale implies a giant operation, not the spotless little laboratory i showed you. isla nublar was just a showroom, ian, something for the tourists, site b was the factory floor. we built it first, on isla sorna, eight-some miles from nublar. after the accident at the park, a hurricane wiped out our facility on site b. we had to evacuate and leave the animals to fend for themselves. and they did. for four years i've fought to keep them safe from human meddling, now i want you to go there and document them. it would be the most extraordinary living fossil record the world has ever seen. i've been putting this together for over a year. you'll need an animal behaviorist, someone with unimpeachable credentials. i believe you already know sarah harding. she's got theories about parenting and nurturing among hunter. scavengers i bet she'd be dying to prove on a scale like this. if you convince her to go, it'll be a major coup. when she publishes, the scientific community must take it seriously. your documentation, you should use forensic photographic methods, hasselbladt still cameras, high definition video. when the trick photography analysts take your evidence apart, make it impossible for them to say there was enhancement or computer graphic imaging. oh, this is very important -- avoid the island interior at all costs. stick to the outer rim. everything you need to know can be found there. vindication lies on the outer rim. ian, you are my last chance to give something of real value to the world. i can't walk so far and leave no footprints; die and leave nothing with my name on it. i will not be known only for my failures. and you will not allow yourself to go down in history as a lunatic. you're too smart. you'e too proud. dr. malcolm. please. this is a chance at redemption. for both of us. there's no time to equivocate, we must seize it now, before --