-- my -- stegosaurus, family stegosauridae, infraorder stegosauria, suborder thyreophora. length, adult male, estimate twenty-five to thirty feet. i want to see the nesting ground! the empty shells are crushed and trampled. the young stay in the birth environment, that's conclusive! dr. malcolm -- the world -- owes you an apology. i'm not surprised stegosaur lived in a family group, but there's never been anything in the fossil record to prove the carnivores did. that doesn't say a thing about t-rex, they could have been rogues. robert burke certainly thinks they were. do you have chromium tapes? the others fog in high- ingen is a genetics corporation, isn't it? but he's the head of ingen! carinthosaurus -- compsognathus -- triceratops -- pachycephalosaurus -- or small scavengers only. what do they want? we should get back to base camp. eddie's waiting for us. there they are! it's moving. fast. what are you doing here, burke? there's no tv cameras, what's the point? everyone, keep your voices down! listen to me, by moving the baby rex into our camp, we changed the adults' perceived territory! that's why they persisted in destroying the trailers, they now feel they have to defend this entire area! we're not safe here. carnivores. pack hunters. about six feet long, three or four hundred pounds, and very, very fast. i can't believe you're still angry about that. no, it's easy to criticize sloppy research and hasty conclusions. where are you going?