these pictures were taken in a hospital in costa rica forty-eight hours ago, after an american family on a yacht cruise stumbled onto site b. the little girl will be fine, but her parents are wealthy, angry, and very fond of lawsuits. but that's hardly new to us, is it? wrongful death settlements, partial list: family of donald gennaro, 36.5 million dollars; family of robert muldoon, 12.6 million. damaged or destroyed equipment, 17.3 million. demolition, de-construction, and disposal of isla nublar facilities, organic and inorganic, one hundred and twenty-six million dollars. the list goes on, gentlemen -- research funding, media payoffs. silence is expensive. hello, uncle john. dr. malcolm. so, you two were just, uh, telling old campfire stories, were you? you signed a non-disclosure agreement before you went to the island that expressly forbade you from discussing anything you saw. you violated that agreement. if your university felt you were causing it embarrassment by selling wild stories to hard copy, i hardly see how i am to-- you version of it. we made a generous compensatory offer for your injuries. ingen is my livelihood, dr. malcolm, and i will jealously defend its interests. people will know what i want them to know when i want them to know it. welcome to your dream come true, dr. burke. then that's where we're going. this is as good a place as any for base camp. first priority is the laser barriers, i want them all up and running in thirty minutes. half an hour, understand? what? why? you heard his, dieter. find a new spot. and remember, we're after herbivores only -- no unnecessary risks. okay. carnivore? just get them out of the way, dieter. where do you think you're going?! alive, dieter, and uninjured! what kind of gun is that? how close do you have to be? why not just use a scope and a poison dart and snipe him from a hill? you rally think this'll draw the parent? killing lessons? heartwarming. you're kidding yourself. an adult t-rex cares about one thing -- filling its own belly. it acts the way people wish they could, that's why everyone's fascinated by it. if people had the chance to see one dinosaur and one only, ninety-nine percent would -- i hadn't planned on bringing carnivores back because of the liability risk, but i only thought of adults, it never occurred to me -- you are a billion dollar idea, my little f- had to. to keep him still for the trip. we've got to transport it seven thousand miles. would you prefer it bit off the leg of a crew member? what in christ's name is going on?! trespassing, sabotage -- you could go to jail just for being here, did you know that? their what? thanks to you people. there's a communication center, here, in the old worker village. hammond put in some kind of renewable power source replenishing. it may still work. if we could get there, we could send a radio call for the airlift. i said if we could get there. a day's walk, maybe more. that's not the problem. the velociraptors. what is that? we made it! operations building. far end of the street. the radio rig is inside. it runs directly from the geothermal generator, so power shouldn't be a problem. piss. don't ask me. the guy's completely out to lunch. do you think the rex might have the infant with it? you know how to work a radio, don't you? i lost everything i came after on this trip, but one t-rex in one theme park could single-handedly bail ingen out of chapter 11. we're downwind. good. why? it's. behind. us. if i don't move, i can't shoot it.