i was a cameraman for nightline for six years, been freelance since '91. do a lot of work for greenpeace. women. 'bout eighty percent female in greenpeace. hey, i wouldn't want to spook the woolly mammoths. oh, please. how am i supposed to keep a straight face when -- -- johnny cash here tells me i'm going to skull island? he doesn't need a friend, he needs a shrink. come on, there's only one reason any of us are here. his check cleared. oh -- she's gutty. what should i call this? "jurassic pork?" oh, my god. oh, no! -humidity, i know. highest lead density on the market. do you see any family resemblance here? the kid scores with cheap sentiment. you were saying something about antiseptic? ruining everything, that's what they're doing. you could choke on the diesel smoke already! is that who we're really working for?! gene splicers?! you gotta be kidding. you dragged me out of greenpeace to be a corporate stooge? you couldn't get anybody else? then this is our chance. i don't know these guys, but i know 'em. i've seen 'em on japanese whalers, french barges trying to dump barrels of nuclear waste in the north atlantic. they're all the same. they spray us with water cannon when we try to stop 'em, sink our boats, and then call us crazy. there' no reason for name calling. hang on. we may encounter some turbulence. sick bastards. wait, don't --- it has a broken leg! no! get in the car before they hear us! that little black line? give it more morphine! i'm trying! what do they want?! wait! there's, uh -- there's an unwritten rule when a news crew is in a war zone. you stop the van every two miles and decide whether or not to go on. whether or not you feel lucky. one "no" from anybody in the group and you turn around right there, no question asked, nobody embarrassed. well? do we go on? immediately: no way. hang on to something! sarah! don't move! reaches for the satellite phone, its antenna just six inches from his outstretched fingers. has two fingers on the phone, but suddenly the whole trailer shudders and the heavy phone tips off the table leg and falls. sarah look out! are you looking for a problem? how far is the village? well, how far is it? i think you should call a break. some of them won't make another half hour. we didn't come this far to start dropping in the middle of the jungle. if you don't call it, i will. sarah kelly come here! jump! shhhh. shhhh. i do not feel lucky. lava? what are they? what in god's name would he want with- no. cq, cq. this is ingen operation harvest leader to harvest base. come in, please. who cares? let's go! come on! she's with sarah! we're sure as hell not going back out there" it'll hold! head for the roof! i think she's with sarah! help me push this! it's afraid to come onto the roof! look! sarah! where's kelly?