ajay? that cheap aftershave i send you every christmas, you actually wear it. i'm touched. sit down, sit down, what brings you to mombassa? last time i plugged it in, i suppose. why? well, i'm a very well-funded old son of a bitch. you go. just a little bit too much, i think. a true hunter doesn't mind if the animal wins. if it escapes. but there weren't enough escapes from you and me, ajay. i've decided to spend a bit less time in the company of death. maybe i just feel too close to it my-- i can think of none greater. what do i have to do to pick a fight with you, bring your mother into it? really? sorry. we were saying? ajay. go on up to my ranch, take a look around the trophy room, and tell me what kind of quarry you think could possibly be of any interest to me. cancel that, dieter. carnivores hunt near stream beds. do you want to set up base camp or an all-you-can-eat people bar? peter, if you want me to run your little camping trip, there are two conditions. first -- i'm in charge, and when i'm not around, dieter is. your job is to sign the checks, tell us we're doing a good job, and open your case of scotch when we have a good day. second condition -- my fee. you can keep it. all i want in exchange for my services is the right to hunt one of the tyrannosaurs. a male. buck only. why and how are my business. if you don't like either of those conditions, you're on your own. go ahead and set up your camp right here, or in a swamp, or in the middle of a rex nest, for all i care. but i've been on too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. okay? good lad. dieter. this is a round-up, not a war. use your powers of persuasion. it certainly does. hey! to collect my fee. ajay. it's the rex nest. if the nest is upwind, so are we. when he comes back, he'll know we're here before we have a chance. the truck -- offering a little incentive. my father's .600 nitro express. made in 1904. karimojo bell gave it to him after he took down his last elephant. 8700 foot pound striking force. forty yards. less, maybe. i assume it'll take a slug in the brain case to bring him down. or a laser beam from a satellite? i once saw a bull elephant die charging a jeep. all the jeep had done was startle the bull's calves. i saw a lioness carry wounded prey four and a half miles, all the way back to its den, just to teach its cubs how to finish off a kill. rex won't be any different. it'll come. what? what the hell you do that for?! you've broken its leg! what in god's -- ! last time i leave you in charge. isn't it obvious? do we have anyone up there? that's what you think. back off, dieter. none of that matters. our communications equipment's been destroyed. if your radio and satellite phone were in those trailers that went off the cliff, and i'm guessing by the look on his face -- if we can't stay in the rex's territory, we have to move tonight. what is? look, we have two choices. we can hike back down to the lagoon, where we can sit for two days, in the open, next to a heavily used water source while we're waiting for your boat to arrive, or we can head for the village, where we might find some shelter and we can call for help. that may be. but you weren't with me at the time. you all right? what's that? feeling a bit blue, are we? why did you come here? why should they? it'll still exit if they go on not knowing, won't it? so the truth is more important to you than your life? she yours? somewhere on this island, there exits the greatest predator that ever lived. and the second greatest predator must take him down. you remember that guy, about twenty years ago, i forget his name, but he climbed everest without any oxygen, came down almost dead. and they asked him, "why did you go up there to die?" and he said "i didn't. i went up there to live." tell you what. you can see whatever you want to, to me, but you will not spew any more nihilist rants at anyone else in the group. i'm fighting panic, and you push the wrong buttons. understand? another half hour. five minutes break! break's over, move on! how long ago was this? then he's dead. nobody tells the little girl. last thing we need is screaming hysterics. you go if you like, but we're not waiting for you. move it out!! looks like the worker village is down in there, about a mile and a half northeast from the base of these cliffs. they'll have to rest before we look for it. eat. sleep. two hours. then we hit it. you hear something? oh, no. are you out of your mind?! get my weapon. for christ's sake, don't run! malcolm! over here! she's okay! they'll stay in there, she's okay! elephant grass! how many rounds did you find for that weapon? don't let it out of your hands again. can the kid walk? can the kid walk? we're going to find a path down into the interior of the island. load up whatever you think you need, and i mean need. if you can't carry it indefinitely, don't bring it. we'll hit the worker village in a couple hours and be out of here before dawn. piss. keep moving. where's the power and radio setup? good. tyrannosaur urine. i don't want anything to do with it, and neither does any other animal on this island. this building is now demarcated as the rex's territory. as long as you stay in that building, you'll all be safe until the helicopter comes. after the rex. i saw a fresh kill back in the valley with tyrannosaur tracks all around it. if i'm not back in time, don't wait for me. runs against my nature to hole up in a cave and wait. possible. now's the perfect time. the animal just fed, so it won't stalk us for food. predators don't hurt when they're not hungry. we took to the rock. wind shift. it's just fed. it won't attack unless it's threatened. don't move. let it go, peter. the animal won. give me a ladder!