hyenas. ace face is the striped snout. no way. no cliffs. f1 headed sough, f2 and f5 flanking, twenty yards. f3 center. f6 circling wide east. can't see f7. f8 circling north. f1 straight through, disrupting. herd moving, stamping. there's f7. straight through. f8 angling through from the north. brooding behavior in evidence at the kill site, pups are ushered forward and adults help them eat, pulling flesh away from the carcass and-- so what's your story, nick? that must be interesting. what drew you there? very noble of you. you don't think you're bringing that thing onto the island, do you? you think this is all a joke? ian's a very good friend of mine. i believe in him. drop the cynical pose. you can't pull it off while playing donkey kong. it's beautiful! that was a pair bond! a family group, even, long after that infant was nestbound! lone nest -- not colonial. i don't see an egg clutch. not without a shot of the nest. ian, you're not insane! i'm so glad! no more smoking. we leave no scent of any kind. no hair tonics, no cologne, seal all our food in plastic bags. we will observe and document, but we will not interact. and let's forget about the high hide. we can't do this kind of work up in a tower, we need to be out in the field, as close to the animals as possible. why wouldn't they? look at hyenas, jackals, nearly all species of predator birds -- we've got to see one to find out. is there any -- -- way we could safely -- no! water mixes the smoke billow, use dirt! what do you want to do, ian, lock her up for curiosity? where do you think she gets it? lighten up, ian, you sound like a high school vice-principal. if it's so dangerous, why'd you bring any of us? ian, if we recall the boat now, we've made two invasive landings in one day. that'll have to go in any paper i write, and it will leave room for people to say our findings were contaminated. you know the academic world as well as i do, once they smell blood in the water, you're dead. our presence has got to be one hundred percent antiseptic. that means if we bend a blade of grass, we bend it right back the way it- ian, nothing we observe will be valid if we're trailing along in the wake of an army. funded by whom? we'd better keep moving, or we'll lose them. heights, i can't help it. put your arm here, will you? he isn't. check out the guy walking past the fire. why, nick. you are a tree-hugger. nick, thank god, we didn't know if -- ian, close the window, it's going to wake every predator in the jungle! too late to worry about that! hold him together, nick! okay, there's the metatarsals -- tibia, fibula -- there it is! see it? that's a fracture, just above the epiphysis. that little black line means death for this infant. the fibula won't heal straight, so the ankle joint can't pivot when he stands on his hind feet. the baby won't be able to run, and probably can't even walk. it'll be crippled, and a predator will pick it off before it gets more than a few weeks old. it has to be temporary, something that'll break apart and fall off as the animal grows. we'll kill it with too much, we'll put it into respiratory arrest! i'm almost done. damn it, i need another adhesive, something pliable i can -- hold it down, nick! ian, get the bottle of amoxicillin and fill a syringe! quick injection of antibiotics and i can get it out of here! that's impossible, they can't have the sensory equipment to track it all the way here! ready? born free, as free as the wind blows. as free as the grass grows -- i swear to god, it works with lions sometimes! there we are -- your baby is free -- note to dr. juttson -- tyrannosaurus rex does nurture its young. no. they will come after me. but i can collect some stool samples, for dna with that, nick's tapes, and the rest of you to back me up, it should stand when we get back. they're pushing us! what?! oh. god . please. looks to her right, at a metal grating that runs along the wall of the trailer. she shifts her weight, leaning on one hand to reach for the grating with the other. leans toward the metal grating, all hairline cracks shoot out around her pivot hand, shaking through the glass. the splintered glass spread like a disease, it reaches the edge of the frame -- lunges for the metal grating and clings to it just as the heavy phone whizzes past her head and smashes into the glass, opening up a huge hole in the center of the back window. we're sliding! oh, god. now what? don't start a legal argument with me, this island isn't your property, and neither are these animals! oh, god. hey, we came here to observe, you came here to strip-mine the place! it's a looter mentality, all you care about is what you can take. move where? our boat's not coming for two days, your airlift is waiting for an order you have no way to send -- your dad is wrong. about a lot more than he knows. you know, even if we do get those tapes back, people are going to say it's just another hoax. ian malcolm's alien autopsy. ian, they will misplace our evidence, shoot holes in our testimony, and say some special effects genius created the animals. the only way people will ever believe that dinosaurs exist is if you dump a t-rex in the middle of times square. we have to send someone to look for him! there you are. your dad's looking for you. oh, come on. go talk to him. ask her. god help us. what? you've got to be kidding. you're going too? ian. it's guano. these formations. they're dried -- where's ian? no! don't! they're not attacking!