we'll save the introductions. we don't know yet if you're friend or foe. you could say we represent the unofficial view of a well-ordered society. quite a disturbance tonight, yes? and perhaps you recall last month -- the explosion at the municipal courthouse that sent one of the examining magistrates to join the heavenly choir. in short, a higher man. it's what we want. it's what we need. you were his friend. one link is all they need. as you can imagine, a pass into the castle -- hardly ever granted -- was an opportunity we couldn't ignore. as you know, it's not the most accessible location. far from being depressed, eduard was particularly excited when he brought us the news of this chance invitation. he set off that evening carrying one of our custom-made briefcases instead of his own. you don't have to accept everything as true, my friend. you need only accept it as necessary. the formality of a trial would be too costly for them. they're beginning to understand that it's the ensuing news of our actions that incites support. in any event, we've felt no repercussions as yet. eduard must not have talked. you're the one they contacted. we have another theory. -- small. perhaps eduard was closer than he knew to discovering it and so had to be silenced. we have to know what he was working on at the time of his death. -- not secretive, therefore not suspicious. it wouldn't surprise us if the discrepancy was between medicines sent and medicines received.