sit down, kafka. you've been with the firm for nearly nine years. you've done your work diligently, there are no complaints on that score. but there's more to the job than the work -- there are other people to consider -- and frankly, kafka, we eel your social situation could bear improving. you keep too much to yourself -- you're a lone wolf. it makes me uneasy, and if it makes me uneasy i can't imagine the impression you make on lesser employees. you must make the time. where do you go off to in the lunch hour? it's not healthy, kafka -- not for you and not for your workmates. at the annual dinner this month you again failed to make an appearance. have you never wondered -- and i mention this only in passing -- why other clerks have advanced to more responsible positions while you, who have been here longer, have not? attitude, kafka. it doesn't matter how well you do your work -- you still see it as something to be gotten on with rather than something to take an active interest in. oh, i know you got along with that poor fellow -- what was his name? -- yes -- raban -- but he was too much like you -- even more so perhaps. he wasn't here as long as you, so i didn't know him as well -- but i could see the influence he was having. i simply want you to be aware of this because you'll be happier for it. in any case -- don't ask me why -- the word has come down you're to be promoted. your colleague's death has helped precipitate the need, though i can tell you it's been under consideration for some time. you're to be given two assistants and a commensurate rise in salary. that's all. kafka. i understand you fancy yourself an author. you might find a more athletic hobby -- put some color in your cheeks. i do. no -- just as i thought -- no entry for family. was there something else? no, there's only one report to complete. i'll be doing it myself and submitting it to the castle today or tomorrow. the orlac claim. kafka. you're too sensitive. let your friend rest in peace. i've known suicides. such a song- and-dance about nothing. give it up.