kafka -- is that your real name? when was the last time you saw mr. raban? did you go anywhere afterwards -- to have a drink perhaps? your office is the workmen's -- where you've been employed for seven years. engaged in the manufacture and distribution of . pills and so forth. would you describe your relationship with the dead man as close? he was found in the river. could he swim? was he depressed? grown men don't normally fall into the river, do they? he might have had a drink or two, despite what you think. his landlady knew of no other friends to refer us to. we know that. what makes you think so? i don't usually involve myself with you people in the old quarter -- but the river runs its own course. it won't be the last time it deposits its unwanted debris on my doorstep. anyway, i'd like you to reflect that in me you have -- i won't say a friend, because we're complete fencers, of course -- from distinctly incompatible social classes -- but to some extent, shall we say, an interested third party. -- should you happen upon anything that might be relevant. you said she was extremely upset. people who are extremely upset -- kafka -- are given to disappearing in a hurry. they go and calm down for a day or so and then they come back. that's not what i call conclusive evidence of an abduction. why would someone want to kidnap this woman -- the name is rossmann? that's been noted. but where does it lead us? unless you have something more to add. she lost her job today. just between you and me, i'd probably go away and brood a bit myself. what did she say? i'm going to say something, and i hope it's quite clear because i won't be repeating it. we don't have to hunt for criminals. we're drawn towards them. the guilty show us the way.