ludwig. you look tired. women are all you have on your mind! they keep switching us from department to department. he doesn't mind because he can't sit still. it's not too bad working here. no. -- just because he's done nothing today, he doesn't want me to show him up! and we're upset too. we've been together too long. his personality is overflowing into mine and vice versa. they wouldn't let burgel into the castle. you should look upon this as a great favor. we answer directly to ekman, the senior partner -- he practically runs the castle. in a case like this you're better off dealing with the highest authority -- even though it's equally futile. we think you'd better accept your position instead of pointlessly annoying us. frankly, we don't understand why you've even bothered pursuing this business. my mother used to tell us of the young man who decided to ride to the next village and how she was afraid that -- not even mentioning accidents -- the span of a normal happy life might fall far short of the time needed for such a trip. oskar! this is filed incorrectly! we could go back to the office. explain ourselves to the chief clerk. i understand he was wounded in the lung. what's to become of us now? everyone in amerika has a toaster in their building! amerika for us!