heralds of a new age -- does that sound immodest?
that's obvious, isn't it? we have an opening for a new member.
preliminary investigations may already be underway.
-- merely in the interests of order, you understand. the officials at the castle like to cover their tracks.
-- merely in the interests of order.
we may have attached too little importance to the reason eduard was summoned to the castle to begin with.
-- ah, but what if it wasn't?
yours is a very powerful and important firm -- it has a lot at stake.
-- the crime so scandalous that the poor young clerk committed suicide rather than own up to it.
-- oh, yes, it's mad.
when a scapegoat is needed, my friend .
why are you so aggressively unimaginative? eduard is no longer the only casualty.
-- gabriela, on the other hand, had made an enemy of this man burgel.
the loyal civil servant. i suppose you'll deny that shortchanging the workers to whom compensation is due is standard company policy.