her father worked the night shift here. most nights he'd bring her with him. she was eleven years old. this is it. this is the where he'd take her whenever he had the urge to molest her. of course! nobody would have heard her cries over the noise of the machines. this is where she murdered her first victim. they found his body over in the corner, shot through the head. they found her second victim over there. she lured them here with the promise of sex. imagine the anger and hatred she must have felt returning to this place. did she use that to help her pull the trigger? dead. man. real. i'm talking about the mind and culpability of a serial killer. someone who has no ability to distinguish between right and wrong should not be imprisoned, let alone executed. look, it's a fact, most of these people suffer from a severe chemical brain imbalance. that enough tequila? the answer is research and treatment under hospital supervised conditions, not the electric chair! executing the killer wouldn't bring my mother back. ha, ha. no, it wouldn't make me feel better. okay, now you want to talk about good versus evil? well then let's start with adam and eve and the snake. a. i gotta go. tonight turned out to be pretty interesting. the warehouse. i'm not that drunk. just being there where it really happened. it was different. more visceral. i picked up some chinese. did you hear from the gallery? you got your slides back. i do. carrie, come on. we can leave anytime we. just like that? these are great. hey. i didn't have the heart to wake you. well, i sat down with my tapes and your photographs, which are great by the way. and i started writing. i think it's the best stuff i've done. and i think i know why. because i was there. and for a moment that night i understood how she came to pull the trigger. look, fuck the thesis. i think there's a book here. your photographs and my research, together. a book on some of the most infamous murderers in america. i want to go to where they lived and where they killed and i want you to photograph it. what i'm thinking is, we can drop down through tennessee, across arkansas and into texas, from there it's a straight shot into california. "we don't stop. until we hit the fucking ocean." we don't have enough money, but we'll figure something out. it's either the best idea i've had in a long time. or there's way too much msg in this stuff. the whole thing's going to slide into the ocean. yeah, i know. i would. real polite. kept calling me 'sir.' i like that. beggars can't be choosers. they were the only ones who answered the ride share note, remember? oh, yeah. he had a real thick accent right outta "deliverance." "still? who said anything about a still? get ya ass up in them woods!" "aintry? this river don't go to aintry." lighten up. hi i'm brian. early, and you must be adele. let me help you. tight fit. uh, we can stop somewhere if you and adele haven't had time for breakfast, early. brian. so what do you do early? so adele, did early happen to mention the places we'll be stopping at? that's a good idea. unfortunately most of them have been executed. how much do i owe you? the novaks are all gone but the fence that michael zaruba was hired to put up is still here. the novaks embraced the young drifter as one of their own. neighbors said he was a quiet young man, who was often seen pushing the children on the swing set. everything was fine until the day the family ran out of work for michael, and had to ask him to leave. sorry, early. could you step out the way, for a second? the first one to die was the nine year old daughter. hello. my name's brian, what's yours? could i speak to your parents? hi, my name is brian kessler. i'm a writer, i'm working on a book about famous murderers. i'm sure you're aware that this is the novak house. i mean, this was the novak house. with your permission i'd like to come in and photograph. we could have been in and out of there in less than ten minutes. that house is part of american history now, whether he likes it or not. well we've come three hundred miles so far. not a bad day's haul. you got any family or friends in california, early? no. he can't help the way he was raised. i kinda feel sorry for him. bitch, bitch, bitch! i heard that. heard that too. look carrie, we're gonna be stuck with these people for a week. and all i'm saying is i think we ought to try and get along with them. that's all. carrie. he didn't stiff us. he paid for the gas remember. you finished? morning. nice job early. all set? take your time. it's just a work in progress, kinda rough. who? henry lee lucas. well he was only convicted of killing eleven but he claimed to have killed over three hundred. he almost always killed strangers. spent years moving on from one place to another. that made it real hard to track him down. i guess it's your turn to pay early. that bad? dahlia, no. some people think it's because he never killed again. he just disappeared back into society. i always thought it was the work of a serial killer. anyone who took that much time and care bisecting another human being must have been enjoying it and would have done it again. and again. until someone stopped him. yeah. sure. early grayce, june twenty third. i suppose anything's possible. i can hold my own. why'd i open my big mouth? by the way, i'm not much of a pool player. yeah? wait a minute. you're gonna hustle me? these aren't lucky lager, i ordered lucky lager. nothing, i jus. what? they don't stock it here early. last one. no, it's all yours. it's on me. for saving my ass back there. what were you "swinging a sickle" for? gotta see a man about a mule. what's wrong? who said he's my good buddy? hey come on, you two were drinking too. so what's the big deal. how do you know that? yeah, for stealing a car. aaahhhh. stop being so fucking melodramatic! if it was murder he'd still be locked up or on parole, in which case he wouldn't be allowed to leave the state. of course! the accent, the clothes, and those table manners!. he's got to be a mass murderer! what else could he be? you know, it wouldn't even surprise me if he turned out to be. a republican! goddamnit!. my fucking toe! i'm okay, thanks. what! what! what is it? a copy of a tape they found. he recorded everything. his mother had him working in here before he was eight years old. killing animals with a sledgehammer that was bigger than he was. when she was pissed at him, she'd beat the shit out of him and lock him in here overnight. eventually the boy wakes up one morning, picks up that sledgehammer and starts hurting back. there's more. look. i know you're pissed off about the gun, and i don't blame you. okay, it was a cheap thrill, it was stupid, i admit it, alright? but let's not blow this. not now. let's just get the photos. oh come on, don't give me that shit. you wanted to take these photos as much as i wanted you too. why, what did he do? adele, what are you doing back here? what was that? carrie, what's wrong? early, we went through this already, you have to leave. what happened back there? how many people have you killed early? none. if you say so. what are you getting at? ha. way too much msg. forget about it, doesn't matter. two brothers, prospectors, lived here. up until a few years back. they picked up hitchhikers. young men. and brought them back here. they asked them just before they were executed why they did it. they said "to be famous." why do you do it? we both know you didn't have to kill that gas station attendant. you wanted to. why? it make you feel good? powerful? superior, what? come on early, tell me something. were you angry? who are you angry with early. your mother, your father? no, no, i can't. don't do it. early, look at him, look at his face. that's not your father. carrie. stop it. shut up carrie, please. just shut up! adele. we gotta do something before early kills someone else. adele for god sake please lis. you gotta talk to her. she looks up to you, she'll listen to you. then try again, carrie, watch for early. i'm going to try and lift the end of the piano. if i can. slide your cuffs free. i don't know. what happened to adele? which way did they go? take your car and get to that phone. call the police. carrie. carrie. it's over. sorry 'bout this early.