shhhhhhhhh. ted bundy. why? not yet. apprehensive. let's not forget these are the people who banned the mapplethorpe show. anyway, california's loaded with galleries. soon as he finishes his thesis. yeah, well brian's got 'til the end of the summer, then i'm outta here. oh, i don't know. i think that once i dye my hair blonde, buy a string bikini and cultivate that tan. i could be veggin' out with the best of 'em. like fer shurr! thank god! if i have to listen to one more "tweed" talk about his dissertation, i'm going to throw up. who do i have to blow to get out of here? the party? it was definitely the high point of the evening. mmm. i love it when you talk like that. yeah, same old shit. too graphic. not suitable for mass consumption. one of those. i forget. who cares. christ brian i'm dying here. you are too, you just don't know it yet. you're too busy working on that damned thesis. and, thing is. when you finally do finish it, it's just gonna get filed away on some shelf at the university library. then what? i thought you wanted to be a writer. then you can write anywhere. let's get out of here, while we still can. no we can't. we can never leave once you start talking about tenure. and vacation pay. and parking privileges and. oh shit! let's just go to california now, right now, before it's too late. just like that. load up the lincoln. point it west. stop when we hit the fucking ocean. that's half the kick anyway. doing something you've never done before. experiencing something. different. something. unpredictable. thanks. what are you doing? so how's it going? why? this mean your finally going to finish your thesis? a book on the warehouse murders? it's about fucking time, kessler! i'd just about given up on you. what did he sound like on the phone? i still think we should have met them first. please god, we're gonna be stuck with these people for a week, don't let them be as boring as brian's friends. anything. but that. funny, very funny. you've got to be kidding me, they look like okies! jesus. they've probably got five bucks between them. turn around. carrie. pardon? thank you. karma. karma. you know, if you do something bad to somebody fate will pay you back by something bad happening to you. yeah. not really. well, the first thing. is you need film. preferably black and white. yeah, sure. you just aim and press the button. hey, i got some great stuff. it's okay. it's okay. okay? no. you mean because i object to having somebody take off their shoe and scratch their foot while i'm eating i'm prejudiced? feel sorry for him? obviously you didn't get a whiff of that sock? up yours. you try, i'm gonna pretend they're with somebody else. i don't want to talk about it. pretty smooth how he stiffed us on dinner? i'm telling you he's nearly broke and we're going to end up paying for those two. um, maybe. maybe not. um. funky fucking sock. and what's with that hair? is that grease or motor oil or what? you believe that tattoo? looks like he had another girls name there and carved it out. and that body odor. where's adele? you cut your hair. no, thanks, i can manage. fuck! you dropped this. broke you? so you don't do any of those things. he whips you? talk to him. i haven't. i'm a fast learner. hey minnesota fats! don't forget your key. why didn't you go with them? how'd you meet early? you know i can fix that haircut for you, if you want? i'm cool. it's a portfolio of my work. sure. took 'em all. that's me. hold still. you shouldn't let him do that to you. adele. are you serious? yeah. what's early been in jail for? anything else? jeez. adele! great. the same thing that's been "wrong" the whole trip. your good buddy early. you sure been acting like you were. . out whoopin' it up, a drankin' and ever' thang. yeah, and you should've seen how terrified she was that he'd find out. he beats her. she told me. . but only when she "deserves" it. did you know he was in jail? bullshit! he told her it was for carrying a gun, but the truth could be murder for all we know. maybe he wasn't allowed to leave! geezus brian! try not to lose consciousness 'til i get back. brian hurt his foot. no. i gotta get back before this ice melts. no, never. excuse me. look again! siesta. what's that? i'm finished. brian, i'm not pissed off. god damm it, turn that thing off. i'm scared. a week ago you would never have even thought to pick up that gun. this afternoon you're out there wielding it around like clyde fucking barrow, for christ's sake! what's with you? i can't believe i agreed to do this. wrong! i was willing to do whatever it took to get you up off your ass and on the way to california. there's a big difference. brian i want him out of our car! brian get him out of the car. next gas station either he leaves or i do! twenty dollars in the tank and a carton of cigarettes. california. early, just think. he shot him in the head. oh god! he's a killer, brian. he's fucking insane. adele, listen to me. early's sick; he should be in a hospital. the police are after him, he's a murderer! what? i wouldn't lie to you, adele. . . i saw him kill that man. he wasn't going to shoot her, you murdering son of a bitch! what the fuck is wrong with you brian!? if you'll stop taking notes for once and open your eyes. you'll see that he is a homicidal fucking killer. he is. for real! i tried talking to her at the mine. it didn't work. you're right early. it is me. do you like it? what are you going to do? what about you? can you lift it again? just lift it, hurry. early, don't. i'll do whatever you want. you want me to go with you, i'll go with you. just don't kill him. no. you're hurting me. you sick twisted fuck! you don't know shit about me. i know i'd love to smash this bottle right in your fucking face.