as adele picks up her spilled personal possessions, early notices her prized cactus in the bag. up ahead a honky tonk bar with a large sign "pool tables, bowling & music" inside of it is a four foot long replica of the first atomic bomb, "fat boy." faded newspaper articles on the wall indicate mr. musgrave had something to do with the bomb's initial construction. an old photo on the bookshelf shows a much younger mr. musgrave in a '50's kitchen. he is laughing and embracing a '50's style female mannequin. a living room fully decorated in '50's furniture. sand covers everything. including. a blinding light is shafting through cracks and broken gaps around the front door frame. it looks like a magical "door" shrouded in a wall of light! a black shadow hurtles toward him out of the brightness. eventually it blocks out all the light until. whaamm!!!! brian, silhouetted, steps into the doorway. he holds a shovel raised, ready to deliver a second, fatal blow. but when he sees early incapacitated on the floor, he lowers the shovel to his side. his handcuffed hands reach down and picks up early's gun. he trains it on early, then walks around him to enter the house. brian's eyes slowly adjust to the interior. from on his back, early looks out the open "door." he sees two large shards of glass standing vertical in the sand, reflecting the sun's rays back toward the house. he realizes that the glass, placed there by brian, is what created the effect of the "door." he starts to laugh.