coffee and a bowl of chili, please. make that to go. size 6. that's right ain't it, size 6? happy birthday adele. well dorothy, why don't you hand me that chili there. he said that, huh? cursed in front of you? if he comes back, don't answer the door. adele, who's car's that out. what are you doin' here? i ain't supposed to be at the parole office 'til tomorrow, two o'clock. wasn't my fault. it was dangerous there and they treated me like shit. i ain't got nothing against god. it's the people he let come into the world. lot of them should have been stopped at the door. what are you looking for? i'm thinking about moving. maybe down to texas. probably get some work on them offshore oil rigs. hear the pay's good. hell, the weather's got to be better'n here. what is it? oh man. come on, i don't want no janitor job. you oughta think about putting a bag over your head. might cure them hiccups. shit! where's the personnel office at? what's up adele? dinner ready? well. for one thing. they think faster out there, on account of all that warm weather they got; cold weather makes people stupid, that's a fact. yeah, and in california you never have to buy fruit 'cause it's all on the trees everywhere you turn. . and, 'course there ain't no speed limit out there, and all drugs are legal. and i heard your first month's rent is free; state law. i figure 'til we get settled we can just move around month to month. well. the very first thing we're gonna do. is get us a couple of six packs of lucky lager and climb up on toppa' that famous hollywood sign and howl at the moon. bull. that ain't right. government sends people there all the time, just don't want us to know about it. i heard that. they ain't dangerous adele. they're writers. yeah i left him with the car. we're all squared up now. what's this? what kind of a person would carry a cactus in her purse! you just smile, let me do all the talking. as many times as it takes. best kind. well, it's like this, mr. kessler. well, it's like this, bri'. i don't eat much in the mornin', never have. maybe a beer once in a while; lucky lager's my favorite. oh. i do some work up at the merrick mirror factory, or i used to. yeah bri' i did. you gonna talk to the people who did those murders? too bad. all right, who gets the. . water. here you go bri'. got a couple a bags of chips and some jerky, just holler if you want some. can't hurt. forget it. shush, adele. forget about it bri'. i wouldn't be surprised if that karma thing don't come back and get him. nope. you? thanks bri', i'll get the next one. think it's time we hit the sack. can you believe thirty bucks for this room. for what? a lumpy mattress, that crummy tv and a crapper. which one. only if they let me put mine down too. bri'. she wasn't feeling so good. nah. don't eat breakfast. never have. well don't be, i got plenty more where this one came from. need a hand with those bags? i got 'em. this the book your writing? this guy killed a mess of people. henry lucas. wonder what all them people done made him so mad? here bri' let me do that. how did he get away with it for so long anyhow? hey bri'. ah. you don't want to go in there. it's a real mess, if you know what i mean. then some. call it an even thirty. i'll drive bri'. adele, get in the back. they never caught that black dolya killer, huh? now why is that? you don't sound too convinced 'bout that? that your. "theory", ain't that what they call it? you wanna hear mine? ain't you goin' to record it? well i'll just bet he's still alive. old, livin' in some trailer park or somethin' somewhere, but still alive. thinkin' every night 'bout what he done. goin' over and over it in his mind. how smart he was for getting away with it. you ever play any pool bri'? i wonder if there's any "doors" out here? you know. "openings" to other dimensions. i read there are a lot of them out west, mostly in the desert. they say if you know what you're doing, you can travel anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds. wouldn't that come in handy? shit, it ain't hard to play pool. i can teach you everything ya need ta know. hell yeah! i'll even spot ya a few points first game. nah. how much money have you got? you'd better hit him first bri', 'cos it's comin'. hit him. bri' this shit ain't lucky lager! got to see a man about a mule. gotta take a piss. any reebs left in the back seat? aaahhhhh. that's what we used to call a beer when we was kids. beer spelled backwards. well i probably drunk more than my share, anyway. you go on an' have it. hey, that's what buddies are for, right? you know those doors i was talking about? found two of them back in kentucky. shit, i wasn't even looking for one the first time. me and the boys are just swingin' our sickles by the side of the road, and i turned around and there it was. this door with this bright blinding white light all around it. course i'm thinkin' i must be sunstroked or somethin'. so i close my eyes figurin' i'll count ten and it'll be gone right. so i'm countin'. . 1-2-3-4-5. an' i'm 'bout ta piss myself right. -6-7-8-9. 10. an' i open my eyes slow, spectin' it won't be there right. and it wasn't. for. 'bout three years. ain't you done enough drinking for tonight? sometimes. don't know why it is. i get so hot i can't stand it. i just start sweating like a dog. you ever get like that? i can feel it start to run down my neck. . and down my back. right into my pants. and everything starts stickin' together. keeps running down the back of my legs like two rivers racin' for my boots, see who gets there first. you never get that hot, huh? never? you like skynard? only thing my old man ever gave me is that goddamn .45. bri', you're jerkin' it when you pull the trigger, hold it real steady. steady. breath in. now let half of it out, and. fire. bri, i want you to keep this gun. consider it a present. never know, california could turn out to be a dangerous place. tell ya bri., i'm still a little sleepy,. think adele and me are gonna take us a fiesta. i ain't ridin' in no bus. bitch. you just sit there and keep your mouth shut. i knew that boy'd have a hogleg here somewhere. get over here. sit your ass down in that corner. go back to the car and keep brian there. i don't want him in here. do it adele. now! what's your name, boy? think. i might just have to kill you walter. how do you feel about that? i don't know. wish i did. shut your mouth. where you from walter? never heard of it, any huntin'? turkey's are real smart. smarter than most people think. tell you what walter, you lie down there now. you make sure you stay put for a while after we leave. okay? what do you need a bible for? you think i'm goin' to kill you. well that'd make me a liar then wouldn't it? here you go. i wonder if adele would like one of these? nah. what the fuck! 'fraid not bri'. drive adele. hate to be an indian-giver but i'm gonna have to ask for my gun back. everybody just shut up! you two just cooperate and do what i say, and we'll all arrive safe and sound in california, as planned. unless, of course, adele don't kill us first with her driving. what the hell is this stuff? yeah but, what is it? and just what exactly are the chinese doing here in the middle of the american desert anyway?. didja get the beer? "chink" beer! oh hell, i'm sorry bri. adele, honey, untie brian, he's starving over there. carrie, you want some? where's the damn forks and spoons at! is it just me, or has this whole trip been goin' downhill ever since we ran outta lucky lager? well now, how many people d'you see me kill? well then, that's how many i killed. damn right i do. you never killed anyone have you bri'? you never even seen anybody killed, right? you wanna tell me how'n the hell you gonna write a book 'bout somethin' you don't know nothin' 'bout? ya see what i'm sayin'? ha! watch out for that stuff, it bites. no way. i guarantee you he was breathing when i walked outta there. hey. ain't we getting near the next murder site. bri? hell it don't. . hand me brian's map there adele. one day i'm gonna pass some store and see your book in the window. me and adele gonna buy a copy for our coffee table. figured your hands might be starting to hurt. let's have a look. you girls coming? don't worry bri', i'll take the pictures. . you stay here with carrie. you run off. bri' pays the price. karma, remember? so tell me. what happened here? and? where'd they do it? bri. this ain't going to give me nightmares, is it? do what bri? you want to know about my daddy, i'll tell you about my daddy, bri. tell me that don't hurt. shoot him. you'll be doing him a favor. it's the answer to all them questions of yers. now you'll never know. i know that. that there is a policeman in a world of pain. and this is what you call a mercy killin'. i'm still waiting. not so much as a simple "thank you." thank you for what? what are you thanking me for adele? well adele. it was for. . saving your fucking life back there! darlin' you were 'bout that far from spendin' the night at the morgue. you understand? hey bri. you ever stop to think that if you switched the two letters in your name. . it would spell brain. what's wrong with her? i'll bet she did. where's your husband? well 'peaches'. you're a widow now. have you seen this one? that don't leave much to the imagination now does it? that's you ain't it? well they say there's room fur all kinds in california. and that's where we're gonna be this time tomorrow. california. adele honey? adele? peaches! come on back here. there ain't nothin' for you to be afraid of. nobody wants to hurt you peaches! oww! oww!! -- fuck!!!! honey. what do you think you're doin'? oh, n'jus what in hell you crying 'bout? i'm the one got hit. you two been busy in here. well, let's put it this way. i need me a new woman. sorry about this bri. think anyone will notice? i'll bet there's a 'door' out there. save us some time. pass me a beer hon'. you wanna hit me with that, huh? stop lyin'. i can see right through you. who d'ya think you're foolin'? i know you better than you think. i seen the way you been lookin' at me since we met. snappin' my photo when you thought i wasn't lookin'. wanting me. i saw you when i killed that boy. you were plenty hot. sick. some people might say takin' photos of me and adele humpin' in the back of the car is sick. you know what i mean? that's better. honesty. i like that in a woman. but i'll tell ya. when we get to california, we're gonna have to do something 'bout that gutter mouth of yours. come on. howdy, my name's early grayce and this is my girl carrie. i hope you don't mind us bargin' in like this but a. we was on our way to california when our car broke down, and. well. it's gettin' pretty rough out there, so if it's all the same to you, we'll be staying the night. you'll like it. not a lot, but you'll like it. i knew there was doors out here! that was damn tricky of you bri. go ahead bri, ask me something. you wanna know how i'm feeling'? well i'd say i'm feelin' pretty damn good. how 'bout you? you feelin' good? 'cause you sure don't look so good. or maybe you're feelin'. powerful. that it, you feeling powerful? superior? i know i am. what? am i angry with my daddy? now why would i be angry with my daddy. you're the one hit me with the shovel. and you're the one's gonna wish you hadn't. hey bri. i think i need a doctor. what d'ya say?