carrie watches as brian and early carry their things to the trunk. carrie leans forward and sets the trip odometer to zero. when she sits back up, adele is standing at her window. adele watches carrie, intrigued by the obvious skill carrie shows with the camera. brian glances into the rear-view mirror at adele. adele focuses her camera at the scenery out the side window of the car. carrie is driving. brian is contending with a major hangover. there is still a silent tension between brian and carrie from the argument the night before. early is in the back with adele. brian moves his head and moans. carrie glances over at brian, who is now asleep next to her. she looks up into her rear-view mirror. brian's heads bangs against the side window. brian is driving. carrie keeps to herself. in her side mirror she catches a glimpse of early curled up in adele's lap. she watches a moment longer. and realizes that they are making out. beginning to kiss and touch one another. adele opens the door on the driver's side looking scared. brian is in the passenger seat. he's looking in the glove compartment for a map. the .45 automatic early gave brian is clearly visible. adele stares at it. brian opens the door to leave. early driving. adele in the passenger seat looks bewildered. carrie and brian in back, handcuffed, eyes hollow with exhaustion and fear. then out of the quiet. adele is still rambling on about her interest in cacti. early looks out over the expanse of the desert. he sees a dirt fire road. early opens the back door. he grabs a box of supplies