what did i do?
you were against it.
hey!.  are you all right? you look funny.
butter me up.
what about a hotel?
i meant for me.
you owe me nine. what am i supposed to do all day?
kate, the entire point of being an artist is that i don't have to work. who is this guy?
does he have a label?
leopold? is he anything like his name?
then you owe me ten.
mine's good.
in canada?
we have a saying here. "shake and shake the catsup bottle, none will come and then a lot'll."
since you're such an expert on fine cuisine, why don't you make dinner tomorrow night?
i have my own, thank you.
who died and made me cinderella?
it's part of my charm.
what is it??
what is it??
no, but i believe there is a rule that says everyone has to have heard of it.
in the kitchen?
i don't believe this guy!
i'm always nice!
he gives me the creeps.
what was that crack about domestics?
you're not going out with him, are you?
kate, this is me. i've seen the guys you bring home.
oh, all right! all right! all right!
you know,.  i don't know if i mentioned it.  but that is one fine looking suit.
are you crazy? this is the first time all week my eyes aren't darting to the top of my sockets every five minutes.
i don't know. an hour ago? he said he wanted to take a walk.
is he being punished?
kate, calm down.
what's the big deal? who is this guy?
oh my god!!!
i don't know. it's just leopold. like cher. or goofy.
never mind they just walked in. jesus. you look horrible.
it wasn't a wisecrack. you do look horrible.
about time. welcome back.
is there something on your mind?
uh huh?
of what??
you can imagine my relief.
why not ask kate?
why not ask kate?.  that was a joke.
well? let's see.  i guess we could start by removing that great big stick from up your.  let's start with your walk.
you don't walk right. you strut.
strut strut strut. you walk into the bathroom it's like i'm watching a parade. walk across the room.
i know you won't. you'll strut. you asked for my help. trust me on this.
see? easy. relaxed. you try.
that's better. now, try to enjoy your walk. it's a beautiful day. the sun is shining, the peasants are singing.
what the hell is that?
leopold, are you wearing a corset?
what'd ya say was the name of this number?
megadeath. high speed dirt.
well, i'm off.
i'm meeting everyone over at caffeine. it's this coffee house we go to.
dennis is this really good looking friend of mine who doesn't know kate's alive because she doesn't know how to flirt.
and he always picks up the check.
oh it's not that. it's just that it's sort of a vulgar crowd, is all. i'm not sure you'd have such a good time.
finish off your parquet and we'll go.
there they all are. now one more thing. throw the words "like" and "you know" into a sentence whenever possible. it's how people talk today.
oh shit! shoot.
patrice. see that girl? the blonde one? she's so inconceivably hot.
she's mine.
ok not exactly mine. but i saw her first.
okay. i guess we should go in. i don't suppose we could tell everyone you don't speak english?
hi. uh everyone, this is my friend, leo.
leo's staying with us for a while.
um?.  . i have nothing to say.
what did i tell you, leo?
check please.
just drop it leopold.
you are some piece of work, leopold.
i'm fascinated. go on.
what makes you think she likes you?
go on.
a what?
i am not!!
you think i should pounce?
you said kate.
yes you did. didn't he say kate?
not anymore. you like my sister.
she has trouble with men, you know.
she has met the right one. hundreds of times. but she pulls back. she cuts herself off. you turn around and suddenly you're dating a sphinx.
does kate know how you feel?
have you made your intentions known to her?
who's the merry andrew now?! i think you're all talk and no action. what are you waiting for?
well leopold, no one ever does.
hi. i brought you some flowers.
miss wochuchowski? i was wondering if you would do me the great honor of accompanying me to the cinema tonight. and allowing me the privilege of escorting you to dinner afterwards.
gracing me with your conversation and company would mean the world to me.
7:00 is fine. i'll call for you then.
goodbye. it worked!
leopold, i.  i'm.  i have no idea what to do next!
not so fast, buddy. you're next.
it's a very fancy restaurant, leopold. are you sure you can teach me everything there is to know?
nobody's talking to you.
now what?
now don't burst a vein or anything, but there are quite a few knives and forks here. how do i know what each one's for?
what kind of beer should i order?
i was kidding!
this is a tie i'm wearing.
yes. i know.
remember to breathe, kate. and don't use to many big words. you'll scare the poor slob away.
when i first saw you, i thought.
good morning.
i would like some coffee.
uh huh.
there you are. i've only been hollering for the last.
kate? what is it? what happened?
are you all right?
you don't look so fine.
you'll miss him?
goddamnit kate, you love the guy!
kate, don't do this. please. it's not right.
listen to me, kate. don't! don't be the ice princess.
you are. you can't live your whole life under a microscope. you've got to tell him how you feel.
you owe it to him.
well? i'll make this quick. goodbye.
i'll miss you too, leopold.  you're the only one who knows how to program the vcr.  take care of my sister.
he's old enough.
he's happy.
i know. me too.
live happily ever after.