good god! carlson! i love ronald coleman. we've altered the course of history. we'll draw names. whoever is is picked will be responsible. agreed? yes, uh. quite by accident we came upon a formula utilizing tachyons. particles traveling faster than the speed of light, which allowed us to. fold time so to speak. now, while that wasn't the original purpose of our experiment, we opted to pursue it, well, privately, on our own. merely to discover if the expedition were possible. as your presence here confirms. we are very disturbed. we're scientist, not seditionists. chocolate peanut butter cookie dough swirl or peach? any luck? my cholesterol level is up 70 points. thank you, kate. how're you managing with leopold? nothing. i was just asking. katherine coles is the most capable person we have on this project. if anyone can handle the delicacy of this situation, kate can. absolutely not. were you even going to tell us at all? he's going back, kate. dear lord. the time tables have been set. just strap yourself in and you'll be fine. it's been a real pleasure. you have a much nicer smile than ronald coleman. four minutes and counting. it's time leopold. i can't be a part of it either kate. i'm sorry.