shit!! shit!! shit!! he could be hurt, or even dead. but i'm stuck and it's only a dance and he is the seventh duke of albany. shit! until now. we never should have started this. i'll do it. no, i meant i'll pick the name. yes. borrowing funds already provided. you don't know what you're doing. squab? squab. do you have a squab? pull yourself together! are you all right back there? peach. yea. lots of luck. all bad. no information exists detailing what happened to carlson. i've been working for weeks and i'm not any closer than when i began. how are you doing? keep up the good work. she seemed a little scattered. do you think everything's all right? so there's nothing to worry about? i've located her. no. she's really not. it was taken a year after she arrived. look at her face! we have to get her back. what?! they can't do that! we had to go through your computer to access information. your calculations have been verified and the final course has been set. leopold goes back a week from friday 1:17 a.m. dr. carlson is still over there. you can't simply abandon her. we have to get her back. only one person can return. the capsule accommodates only one person. leopold has to find her. julia carlson died in the center factory fire of 1897, two years after she arrived. she was 37 years old. she was a friend, kate. she was never expected to sacrifice her life for this experiment. i won't be a party to it. i know what i'm asking. there's no way we can force you to go. just think it over. goodbye leopold, and thank you. don't worry. we'll send kate to you. as soon as possible. i'll see to it myself. you have my word on it. it's too big a risk.