everybody stay calm. lock the front door. no, no, no. you mustn't touch him. the consequences could be catastrophic. all right. touch him. give me a minute. she's back. kate. it's carlson. something went wrong. what are we going to do? we can't keep him here. imagine if anyone found out! he's a man, kate. not a guinea pig. you'll look after him? yes. bend it between the cracks of the dimensions. the problem facing us is not only how to get you back, but when, you see? rest assured, no harm will come to you. you'll be well looked after by dr. coles. it is the year nineteen hundred and ninety-five. leopold, calm down! just listen to what we have to say! you didn't! is she all right? christine, this morning i spoke with the head of funding. they're talking about canceling the project. there's still time. nothing has happened yet that can't be undone. we'll get her back. we'll put this behind us and we'll get her back. how long were you going to keep it a secret, kate? not sure? what can you be thinking? you can't alter the course of history and assume everything will be okay. it won't be. he has his own destiny to fulfill in his own time. it's over. this is outrageous! i won't allow it! do you realize what you're saying? you're tampering with fate, preordinance, and god himself. you have only a twenty four hour leeway before the machine is set to return to us. you must find carlson within that time frame and get her on board or there will be little chance of her finding a way back. 3 2 1! i cannot in good conscience let you go. it's out of the question. we cannot guarantee your child's safety. it's that simple.