kate and leopold sit on the sofa eating their dinner and watching tv. on the screen, a looney tune. leopold enjoys this especially. kate reaches for the remote but leopold grabs it territorially, refusing to relinquish it. leopold asleep on the sofa still clutching the remote control. kate comes in with a blanket and settles it over leopold. she glances around the room, then slowly bends down close to capture a better look at his face. we hear keys in the lock and laughter outside as kate and leopold enter. charlie, in a tie, is standing with leopold at the dining room table. kate wearing too much makeup for her date, runs into the bathroom in a bright red dress. leopold slowly carries a dinner tray to the dinning room table. he moves to the window and looks out. after a while he pours a glass of wine. leopold unfolds his napkin and puts it on his lap. he begins to eat his dinner. slowly. elegantly. alone. sound of keys in the lock, then kate bursts through the door. the table clock chimes eight times. leopold enters from the kitchen dressed perfectly in the most up to date style. he carries a casserole dish.