who's upset? people fall in love, they have to climb back out. so, what? we'll just be friends now, right? i see. well i appreciate your honesty. no. i'll just think of this as surviving another dating accident. take care or good luck or whatever i'm supposed to. say. goodbye. that's impossible! she wasn't supposed to return until. the 7th duke. of albany. he was the. is the son of emery and eliza. he was of no actual importance until he vanished at the turn of the century without a trace. it was a sensation. in the 30's they even made a movie about him. "the tenuous duke" with ronald coleman. despite much speculation and a nation wide investigation, a body was never found. he was never heard from again. calm down. think. just, think. rationally. now, no one would believe such a stupid mistake could be made because no one would believe any of this is possible. so. we fix this. we keep this to ourselves and we fix it. fast. dr. kau, research all our data. 1st priority: locate carlson. drake, determine the reciprocal correlation's connected to the 19th century. work 24 hours a day if necessary. in the meantime. one of us will have to take charge of him. this is a major scientific opportunity. it doesn't get any better than this. imagine. researching the behavior, the physical and emotional characteristics of a century ago! utilizing technology available to us today. he's a gold mine! and while he's here, he's ours. any volunteers? fine. your grace. um. hello. weee aaare a smaaall part of a laaarge research team. a project funded by the government of the united states. yes, um. for the past six and a half years we've been conducting scientific experiments on density and flexibility in the dimensions of time and space. we journeyed to your time because it was the quickest path to follow. we debated long and hard whether we should use this knowledge at all. believe me, it was never our intent to disturb the past. we certainly don't want to miscalculate. send you to a different era entirely. leopold, wait! squab. i remember reading they ate a lot of squab. i don't know! you're going to be fine you know. there's nothing to worry about. i have everything under control. we'll never get away with this. how are you feeling? i thought you might like some tea. i understand. we're doing our best. you're speaking to him. dr. coles. if you like, you could call me miss dr. coles or if that's too much, how about just plain kate? hard to believe? interesting. nevertheless, we've come a long way baby. i'm attempting to be informative it's just coming out humorous. look, modern social science clearly states that a woman's place in society marks the level of that civilization. a science career for a woman is now almost as acceptable as being a. a. waitress. cream and sugar? does that make you nervous? then what are you getting so red about? it's a very large apartment. with locks on all the doors. dr. coles. let's get one thing straight right now. my name is kate or katherine or if you insist dr. coles. take a good long look, leopold. i am a 20th century american woman with a doctorate and a commission and independence. i am not your "young lady" or your "pretty miss" or your "honey." is that clear? i'll get it for you. oh, just some laundry, the cooking, a little light housework. i took the liberty of preparing a simple schedule to efficiently utilize your time while incorporating you into my routine. as you can see, my day begins with meditation and yoga from 6:30 to 7:00. you will arise at 6:45, shower and change and at 7:15, we breakfast together. 7:45 we begin the days work. at 10:45 dr. kau arrives to observe you in your natural routine as i research the data that will enable you to return home. at 1:15 we lunch together. 2:15 you answer a daily questionnaire, i type up my notes. at precisely 6:15 you will enjoy 15 minutes of free time, then, at 6:30, i listen to tom brokaw while making dinner as you write down any questions that come up during your day. at 7:00, we dine together. if you need me at any time you may ring this bell. now, mondays and wednesdays i have computer science class, tuesdays i have therapy. if i have a date, i'm usually home by 9:15. during these periods you may read any of the books i've picked out for you in your room. i organize my next days work at 10:30, 11:35, david letterman, 12:40 i'm in bed. next day we begin again. simple? oh. yes. our chaperone is here. sort of. my brother. for the past two years. charlie can never know about this project. we'll tell him you are a. overly distinguished colleague staying here as our guest. from canada. which would explain your lack of familiarity with our customs and so forth make yourself comfortable. i'll check in on you later. i think this is going very well, don't you? okay. if you need anything, just ring. charlie! come here i wanna talk to you. rings! and what did i say about you smoking in the house? correct. you're back early. funny ha ha or funny odd? that all depends. how was your trip? if it was good i'll tell you the truth. if it was rotten i'll have to butter you up first. have you been working out? no, i'm really starting to see results. are you comfortable there on the couch? good. cause you'll be sleeping there the next few nights. you have to be out of here by 8 and you can't be back before 6. we have an important man working with us with very unusual needs. the company is insisting he stay here. this man requires around the clock attention. thank you, charlie. i owe you one. you could get a job! well, i can't tell you much because. well i'm not. anyway, it might be interesting to have someone else to talk to. it gets so quiet around here sometimes i feel like i've gone deaf. leopold. he's exactly like his name. he's from canada. it's called hamburger helper. i'm afraid there is no next course. if you make a list of the foods you like, i'll pick them up at the store for you. charlie. leopold. since you're our guest here, there are several cultural events you might enjoy seeing. charlie has season tickets to the ball game. perhaps you'd like to take that in? or the opera or the ballet? charlie, there's no rule that says everyone has to be interested in baseball. charles, could you help me with the dessert in the kitchen? in the kitchen. excuse us. try to be nice to him. please charlie, as a favor to me. he's different that's all. charlie, this is important to me. eeuuu! i may be desperate but i'm not a lost cause. i've done countless favors for you! now i'm asking for just one little thing. we forgot the dessert. what is it, leopold? what is it, leopold?! leopold, your time is up! what's he got, a girl in there? in our last session you intimated there was a symmetrical system regulating the social order of conformity spanning your era. i found this particularly intriguing if i can just find it in my notes. found it. no i meant i found my notes. i can hear you. i never. a horse? in new york city? thank you! and i have a news flash of my own. you sir, are no ronald coleman! fine. fine. why? what did you hear? oh. well, it's fine. he's a delight. everything's under control. gone? gone where?! charlie we've got to find him! when did he leave? and you let him?? he's not allowed to go outside! we've got to find him! you stay here in case he finds his way back. and while you wait you'd better pray he's all right. if anything happens to him, anything at all, everything we've worked for will have been destroyed. and you'll be responsible. understand? leopold. is not really from canada. i'm sorry! i'm sorry! leopold! leopold, get in. leopold! oh, leopold thank god you're all right. i didn't think i'd ever find you. you had us all so worried. oh, leopold! don't you ever go out again without my permission, do you hear me? i was frantic. you could have been killed a hundred times over. i never would have known. leopold, are you all right? okay. i'll get you home in a jiffy. charlie, don't start. i haven't been this angry at you since you got me into that pyramid thing last year. if you make a wisecrack i'm going to burst into flame. i'm too tired for this now. i'll just save it up and kill you tomorrow. help leopold out of his things and lets get him to bed. don't mind him. his heart would be in the right place if he had a heart. surliness runs in my family. leopold, you made a joke. i mean one that's not at my expense. that's good. yes. i start work. in three and a half hours. it's fine. i'm used to it. oh! leopold?. i don't have a clear handle on this. perhaps i was wrong keeping you confined to the apartment all this time. i don't know when you'll be able return home. tomorrow i'll start preparing you for the outside world. and. we'll find your way back. i promise. yes? is there something you want, leopold? yes, we have a lot of work ahead of us. i'll be out in a minute. certainly i'm certain. put it back. back! women are longer defined by the men they're married to, leopold. i have a career. i haven't found a man who fits in with that yet. i've heard of cases. there's nothing wrong with me! i don't know what you're talking about. you think i'm thirty?! do i look thirty to you? you chose it specifically opposed to a lower number. thirty! i'm thirty! but you're the first person whoever told me i looked it! and it's not that i insist on remaining single. believe me. everyone dreams of finding somebody to share their life with. to give someone all the love they've been hoarding since they were a kid. i'm no different. but one has to be sensible. i have a career and a life that's filled with. not again. what do i have to do? put a leash around your neck? what?. what? this is ridiculous. i don't have time to. do you know what this dress costs? let's get this over with. i'm coming out. nobody laugh. satisfied? what? the drug of the 20th century. leopold, your dinner's getting cold. it's a guy thing. now within that astronomical structure, dr. drake here is searching for a pathway between your time and the present. he'll find it too if his arteries don't harden first. once that is discovered, the search begins for the exact time and date travel will be possible. don't take it personally. once dr. kau starts working, you just have to wait until her batteries run down. we're all pretty much like that. i'm a genius. thank you. and may i say that sometimes, in dim light, you're not so bad yourself. oh my god! is that the time? i'm late. therapy. every tuesday night. you mayn't. no one does. that's why therapists can charge so much. leopold. a gentleman does not ask those questions. come on, we'll get you home. all right. don't bite my head off. miss my lesson? this is the only thing i have to look forward to all week. is that a new dress mrs. pincus? i am! it is! i've got the muusic in me. it's margarine. me too. work to do. where are you going? say hello to dennis for me. as a rule i don't like to associate with really good looking people. it makes me feel really. i don't know. smart. but dennis is a nice guy. that's a wonderful idea! leopold mentioned how he wanted to meet. people of quality was it? nonsense! charlie, you don't want to hurt leopold's feelings. he's going to think you don't want him to go. royal family -- uncouth. making out -- slow soulful kissing. woman as equals?? who drove the chevy to the levy and why was it dry? eyes shine when she talks about. science. raises her voice when she knows she's wrong. bossy, bossy, bossy. lose my train of thought when i see her smile. most beautiful when she's angry. honorable heart. peasant feet. ooops. bread and butter. bread and butter. it's an old saying. well not to you i guess. you say it when you pass someone in a cramped space. as close as bread and butter. so. did you have a good time last night? did you find that person of quality? well. fine. i guess it's time to turn in. goodnight. good morning. you're up early. happens all the time. oh. it's my computer. i'm researching the correlations between your time and the present. i'm trying to get you home, leopold. it's made me the man i am today. oh, i'd love to but i can't. i've got too much work to do. ask charlie though. he'll go with you. oh, leopold. i'm so sorry. i can't. yes. thank you. oh for crying out loud. would you look at this? leopold? the computer's on the blink again. cheap piece of equipment. i can't. no, no, it does this all the time. just have to wait it out. darn. oh, you think? i. i must have gotten a funny horse. that's simplicity in it's purest form. it speaks volumes in it's nothingness. whiteness representing emptiness. hopelessness. it's bleak. bleak! absolutely nothing. vip, vhs, vcr. i don't know. k.d. lang. so am i. leopold, i have a date tomorrow night. a blind date. no, that just means i haven't met him before. it was set up through friends. a hazard of single life. i'm turning in. i'm sorry. leopold? i had a wonderful time today. i can't remember the last time i took the day off and just played. i'd forgotten how beautiful this city can be. i want to thank you for that. just don't swipe the silverware and give yourself away. no name calling. how do i look? thank you, leopold. you look very nice, charlie. that must be him. blind date. this is always the scary part. "open the door to my, mystery date." larry? well, i'm off. now? what are you talking about? that isn't necessary. i'll be fine. goodnight, leopold. goodnight. thank you. i beg your pardon? undecided. about you? ah, she said you were tall. and nice looking. thank her. and that you persevere ardently on wall street. that must be very interesting. no. aaand that's about all jeannie said. what did jeannie say about me? quite a compelling portrait. a masterpiece. who? goodbye. don't get up. leopold? leopold? oh, leopold. oh! no. here, you've got some. no. a funny thing happened to me on my bland date this evening, leopold. i really can't explain it. this puffed- up, puritanical, blundering, greenhorn kept popping into my mind all night long at the most inopportune times. i couldn't get rid of him. yeah, it was. the harder i tried, the more persistent he became. he's conceited and inflated and unseasoned and it doesn't seem to matter. he's 134 years old but i can't get him out of my head. right here. larger than life. permission granted. you do. what have you got there? hamburger helper! um, where was i? so after my father died i had to go to work. many. i got fired from all of them. i'm the most unskilled person i know. but they were just survival jobs while i was still in school. i always knew i wanted to go into science like my father. and i did. i think about him every day. he was courtly, just like you. you just don't get out much. you'd be surprised how remarkable i'm not. morning. look what you've done! nothing? my own mother never made me a breakfast like this. leopold. about last night. i sense the word "but" entering into this any minute now. leopold! did you just ask me to marry you? that's entirely beside the point. you're moving way too fast here. shouldn't we date first? i mean it's obvious the first one went well. leopold, even though last night we. loved each other, that doesn't mean this morning we're engaged. it just doesn't work that way now. oh leopold, sit down. relationships these days are much more complicated than that. women today have certain freedoms that men have been taking advantage of for centuries. you must have been aware of that. if you think about it clearly, it should be obvious to you that marriage between us is out of the question. don't ever think that. i'll think it over but i can tell you now the answer is. possibly. do what you have to do. of course. say when. sorry. fine! i'm fine. what are you reading? as a pee-pee girl? leopold, i don't know if that's such a good idea. you have to be patient. you're awfully cute when you get causey. hi. what's the matter? so you know. i'm not sure. you don't understand. no. no, no, no. it's time. leopold's going back. yup. i'll get his things together. tell him tonight. i'm fine. well i am. it was wonderful having him here, charlie. he was of invaluable assistance to the project. i'll miss him. i will. what am i supposed to do, charlie?? i can't go back. he can't stay. i can't let him go. i'm not equipped to deal with this, charlie. i don't know how. i'm not! it's too much, charlie. it's just too much. i didn't know i could feel like this. i really didn't know. what? i'm fine. it's time. we're sending you back. a week from friday, early morning. it was a mistake, leopold. it's out of our hands. we can't pocket people from history like stolen jewels. we haven't the right. i'm sorry. we'll miss you. what do you want me to do, fall apart? you'd still be leaving. it wouldn't solve anything. what do you want me to say, leopold? leopold! you should see what i'm looking at. that was pound cakes ago. where were you? such as? we should have come up with something together. i might have been spared ten or seventy pounds. i'm sorry for what i said. yes you are. but? you can't! we have no right to. have you thought about what you'd be sacrificing? your influence? your authority? your family, your whole way of life, everything? you're not just feeling sorry for me because i ate the contents of the refrigerator, are you? here comes the mushy part! that's good, because if you're staying i'll probably get fired again. what do you desire? pta? i love you too. i do, leopold. i love you, too. do you think i'm not aware of that? do you think a minute goes by that i don't feel responsible for her? but maybe this is her destiny. maybe she's of more important use back there. you're going back aren't you? you said you wouldn't leave me. i've never been lucky. not one time. i wouldn't want you to change. that's what's tearing me up inside. either way i lose. you've changed me too. i can't go back to my old life anymore. i can't live like that again. god my heart is pounding like a drum. i've never been so scared in my life. take me with you, leopold. god. take me with you. i'd be with you. just ask me. just ask. yes! where are you taking me? leopold? i don't have any words for this. i know. i know. i brought you something. so you wouldn't forget me. so you wouldn't think this was all a dream. don't forget about me. wait for me. i will come back to you! i will! he's waiting for me. i can feel it. oh, leopold. leo you don't have to holler like that. i'm not deaf. carlson?! carlson, i don't believe it. it's been. i don't know how many years. what are you doing here. you remember my son, leo? well, come inside. come inside. would you like some tea? i wish you had called before you come over. it would have given me a chance to straighten up the house. myself. my life. tell me what you've been up to. catch me up on everyone. i heard you received some big endowment or something. i was going to write, then call, but. just an old friend. nothing important. you brush your teeth? then give your old mom a hug and go to bed. good night, cookie. he's so young, charlie. look at that idiotic expression on his face. of course he's happy. all weddings are happy. it's the living together afterwards that causes all the trouble. oh, you're so young. i love you, leo. always remember that. i know, cookie. i know. well. what will i do without you, charlie? leo. but.