shit. oh shit what happened? you fucked it? i knew you fucked it! i sat out her for like two hours! that girl was like twelve, and you hit it up! well, how was it? she can fuck? oh shit. how long did it take? how long did you fuck her? yeah. how did she smell? did her puss stink? oh man, it smells like butterscotch. oh man, that's the best. let me smell it again. that's why virgins are the best. i love that smell. what? how? right. yeah. yeah. fuckin perverted bastard. to what? virgins? what do you mean? you mean like fucking two virgins at once. she's probably smash you in the fucking face. did you tell her that you loved her? shit. get another forty. smoke a blunt. hell yeah. fuckin starvin. wait up a sec. what for? that guys a dick. you think he's got any herb? you think? he lives on 76th? den less go joe. telly. did she suck your dick? why? it is right. it's no big deal, right? yeah. the way i see it. my outlook on the this situation is. it's like getting fame, you know what i'm saying. it's like, if you died tomorrow, and fifty years from now all the virgins you fucked are gonna remember you because you were their first. they're gonna tell their grand kids. that telly. he sure was good in the sack! yeah, i feel dehydrated. three pennies and a ball of lint. unzip my pack, yo. he said this dick, mutha fucka! can't you understand english? you know like in "the wonder twins" they share everything. yeah. "the wonder twins". you know. activate in the form of, a glass of water. well, those guys share everything, right? and once i saw this episode where they pretended they were each other. where they lived the other's life for a day. you know those guys share everything, right? and it got me thinkin. how fun it would be to share each other's girl. no, i'm serious man. i'm dead ass. do you wanna try? we could be like the fuckin x-rated "wonder twins"! can you do it man? oh man. i fucking love this guy. yeah. i love these shits. that's why i like 'em. they wake my brain up. that girl you boned last year. remember? yep. yeah me too nigga. you know what i notice? i notice that girls love to give head. it's like a secret pastime hobby for them. or somethin'. all girls. they love it. i know. i hate this game. i know. they love it. that's why girls live longer than guys. 'cause sperm has vitamin c. yeah. it's a great big fraud. man, this guy is really good. i bet he makes hella money. who? oh. you like her? darcy? yeah. she's only 13. yeah. yeah. yeah. i know what you mean. she hangs out at nasa. she promotes for them. how are you gonna fuck two virgins in a day? that shits gotta be against the law. bet. you wanna run by the park and see what everybody's doing? get zooted? yeah. bless you back. why i do what? why i give pennies? did you look at that guy? what the fuck. he had no legs. he had no half his lower body. he's gotta shit out of his ribcage. what are you talking about? so. so. you never know when you can end up like that. i'll tell you why. because when i was little, i had a fat cousin, cousin luke. and he used to make fun of the handicapped. and one day he had a bad stomachache. so he drank a bottle of pepto and his ass blew off. i'm telling you the truth. and after that, i've always givin' my money to retards. because that's the reverse of what he did. so really, it's good luck. yeah, good luck. i mean what the fuck. the guy had no legs. hi. no none. man, telly, your little brother is getting big. holy shit man, your mom's got good titties. how do these things work? how much you gonna take? about ten. fifteen is good. yeah probably. yo, you got any weed around here? yo. i'm gonna get buff dude. yeah. the other day, some sort of chinese bitch told me i'd look good with muscles. i'm gonna get mad diesel. i'm gonna fuck any nigga that tries to step to me. nah. that shit gives me a rash all under my arms and around my stomach. i like my odor. it's fuckin natural. yo, was up ras! nuffin. you gots? smells delicious. thanks ras. nothen b. right here. maybe nasa. i don't know. yeah. probably. fuck that, i'll sneak in. i need some female vagina tonight. yep. you got a phillie? yep. naw, you got it ham. yeah boy! fuckin faggots!!! faggots!!! my throat. that's my dad. yo, that weed is mad good. yo, sorry money. yeah, watch where you walk dukes. nuffin g. just forget it. sup then? sup? sup. sup. i'm gonna fuck you up bitch. suck my dick! suck my dick! suck my dick! suck my dick, suck my dick. suck my dick. now get in my way! bitch. hurry up man. let's be out. i wanna go swimmin. damn bitch. don't kill it. na. i don't know. but all i know is that i kicked him so many times my fuckin' toe feels broken. yeah, he was crawling around and shit. hell ya. we broke that mothafucka. that's ok. cause that's how i'm livin. geez kim. your body looks fuckin good. it's funny how sometimes you can't tell if a girl has a nice body until you see her without her clothes. oh shit it's fuckin cold. i'll give you a dollar if you let me suck on your tit. no i'm serious. can i suck your tit? either of you guys. i don't care. i don't know. your just sitting there. and your tits look clean to me. it makes me want to suck on 'em. you guys are dykes right? i don't know. i just never seen girls that did that shit before. but i think it looks nice. 'cause casper is my name. damn bitch. that's my name. why do you always ask me the same shit? why don't you go lose some fucking weight? pussy. i'm casper the friendly ghost. i'm casper the friendly ghost. gee you know i'm the most. the girls love me because i'm casper. the dopest ghost in town. fuck yeah. yee haw. fuckin. hey jennie. long time no see. what are you doing here? what do ya want with telly? that guy has enough bitches. don't look for him. he's doing fine. he's gotta girl. he's fuckin her right now in steven's parents' room. so do ya know joe. what are you worried about for him? lucky fuckin bastard. jennie. jennie. jennie. please wake up. it's me casper. jennie. jennie. don't worry. it's me casper. shh. don't worry jennie. it's me casper. jesus christ. what happened?