that's the kinda shit he's into. telly is known for that stuff. he fucked amber the same way. that's the shit! that's the shit! yep. that's the best way. it's that boom boom boom. yep. sweet. yeah. you know what it's like. it's like when you really love someone, it's like awww. its like. but it gets boring. it's boring. yeah. and sex is just like, yeah let's have sex, yep. yeah. mine are my toes. oh my god if someone sucks my toes i'll come in like ten seconds! oh shit. that's right. that's why foreplay is better than sex. because he can like climax you up to that. yep. where just one more move and you would be like crazy. but then the sex gets into the way and you're like: what happened! what the hell happened?! yeah. the shit gets wacked. fifteen minutes. me. i can only take it up to fifteen minutes. cause i get bored. i start thinking about what i'm gonna eat afterwards. and you don't get shit out of it. yeah. yeah. did they ask you a lot of questions?