what did he do? and susan too. first times are always wacked. just be glad you didn't lose your virginity in the backseat of a rental car. i bled. i fucking bled all over the sheets. slow. yeah. it's like yeah whatever. but when you fuck. you wanna fuck that person. you're like ripping each other's hair out. ooooh. you know. you know a lot of times sex gets in the way. has that ever happened to you? you know. because sometimes the foreplay is just so good. and then when it actually comes time for sex. it's like the worst letdown. right. yeah. you know why i decided to go out with alex. he has the best fucking fingers i've ever had. i was like yes! i'm going out with him! yep. yeah. and it takes them either too long or too short to come. have you ever had someone that took forever yeah. i had sex with jake, and it took him like an hour and a half. yeah, eat. i got real thirsty too. have you ever swallowed it before? me neither. it's like sweet and sour, and salty butter. yeah.