excuse me. can i ask you a question? can i ask you a question? i'm sorry. i don't mean to be a pest. well, i don't mean to be a pest. it was just that i was looking at you. and you look upset. i liked looking at you, but your face looks upset. and i was wondering if i could be of any assistance? maybe i could cheer you up or somethin. help make you happy. who knows? somethin maybe. you're ok? because gee, you don't look ok. i mean your a very beautiful young lady. it's just that you look troubled that's all. a bad day! you wanna hear a bad day? yesterday my son was smashed over by a car and when my wife found out she collapsed on the floor. she had a minor heart attack. partial paralysis. but i don't let myself get sad. no way. not me. it's not good for the soul. oh it's ok. that's life. maybe tomorrow i'll win lotto. who knows? you don't. no one does. you know. i could tell you were sad by the way your eyes drooped. like an adopted kid. that's the way an adopted kid's eyes look. all sad like that. all droopy and sweet. like the honey that i lick off my finger. would i be prying if i asked you what was wrong? miss, would i be prying? no, not everything? the sun is still shinning. it's a beautiful day out. some things are ok. right? did you and your boyfriend just break up? are you in trouble with the law? am i getting warm? now that's it. a smile. you look like a prom queen when you smile. like a glamour girl. oh yeah, sure. when i was a kid i had a crush on the prom queen. darlene louis. she had a big black mole in the center of her face that used to get me so excited. darlene louis. you know you look a little bit like her. yeah. right around the cheeks and chin. boy did i have a crush on her. she was the first girl i ever put my tongue in her mouth. hey look. whatever it is. just forget about it. life's too short. make yourself happy. i'll give you an example. when my golden retriever passed away. god rest his soul. i was lonesome. i missed him. so i got a tattoo. now how do you like that? now he's with me forever. i swear to god. sometimes he barks. i can hear him straight off my arm. ruff, ruff, he goes. yeah. i'm not saying you should get a tattoo. but you should make yourself happy. well then, i don't know. you know what you do then? you forget. block it out. i remember when i was a little boy. my grandmother told me to be happy. she said. she said, "leon, my darling little grandson. if you want to be happy don't think. don't bump into any walls. if you stutter. don't talk" and i took her advice. and look at me now. couldn't be happier. that's life. yeah. i was gonna write a book but i can't spell. well here we are, miss. aw, don't worry 'bout it. the rides on me. all right, all right, i'll take it. but forget about the tip. oh yeah. oh miss. miss. when you smile, god notices. that's why the sun is shining.