you know what i want to do? what do i want to do? why? because your a virgin? you think i want a baby? when you're with me, you don't have to worry about that kinda stuff. because i like you. i think you're beautiful. i think if we fucked you would love it. you wouldn't even believe it. i don't know. i just think that you would love it. what things? i'm telling you, nothing's going to change. i want to make you happy. that's all. you know it won't hurt. i'll be gentle. i promise. of course i do. virgins. i love 'em. no diseases, no loose as a goose pussy, no skank. no nothin. just pure pleasure. was up bitch? what do you think? who am i? who am i? the mothafuckin' virgin surgeon. oh my god, so good. that girl can fuck. hell yeah. that bitch was bleeding. when i first put it in she screamed real loud. i saw her bite down on the pillow. did what take? well it took me longer than i thought it would take. it took like 15 minutes to talk her into it. but once it was on, we fucked for a good half an hour. i had to keep taking it out and putting it back in. it hurts the first time. but then when she got into it. she really got into it. it was good. take a whiff. hell's yeah. she was so clean. you could tell she took care of herself. she had all these powders and creams in her bathroom. you know what else? i can tell that she had just entered puberty. well, i was flipping through a picture book of her and her family, right. and there was this picture of her painting easter eggs or something. and i said, you were cut when you were little. and she goes, yeah that picture was taken less than a year ago. i look younger without my makeup. and i looked at her, and thought to myself oh my god, this girl is a baby. and for a second i felt a little bit guilty. you know, because she's young and all. and then i was like, oh shit, that turns me on. i wanna fuck this little baby girl. i'm telling you casper. i think i'm getting addicted to that shit. yeah. it's like all i think about now. not just that, it's like lately during sex, i start dreaming about these complex fantasies. i mean i'm dreaming about going all out, crazy shit. that would be good. but i mean more like. i don't know. like when i was having sex with her, i kept thinking how much i would like to put it in her ass. just to see what would happen. i don't know about that. she was pretty into it. but i wasn't gonna try. the whole thing is, you just gotta take it slow. show 'em some respect. like. like. never love. love is for low-level virgin seduction guys. what do you want? are you hungry? you wanna go to paul's house? i'm sue he's got food. he's always got those microwave burrito things in his freezer. i don't know, he quit dealin but i'll bet he'll smoke us out. probably. 78th. yeah. a little bit. but i didn't really want her to. i don't know. that's too easy. i mean getting a virgin to suck your dick. that's so easy. i want to knock her guard down. i mean there's a whole philosophy behind it. having a virgin suck your dick, that's basic because there's nothing lost. right. but when you deflower a girl, that's it. you did it. you were the one. no one else can ever do it. yep. you thirsty? you got any money? you down with the boost? uh, let's see here, would you happen to have diss digg? diss digg. i'm curious if you have it? diss digg, diss digg, diss digg. i'll ask you one last time. do you have diss digg? the cartoon? yeah. right. right. yeah, that would be fun but i don't like any of the girls you go out with. like that one girl with two teeth and a clit ring. can i do it? i just brooke her cherry. i imagine i can make her do anything. bark like a dog, jump through a ring of fire. it's me. telly. paul it's telly. open up. nothing. we just wanted to come by and see what you were up to. nah. so, how many people live here now? where does everyone sleep? jennie who? man i haven't seen her in forever. what the fuck's she up to? but that's the thing. girl's like it slow. they like romance. they like things to be sweet and romantic. i mean i've been with a lot of girls i know. no. casper's right. girls love it. they just act like they don't in front of their friends. all i know is that condoms suck. they don't work. they break. they slip off. it's impossible to feel anything. they make your dick shrink. but i still use 'em. or at least i did once. yep. he looks like my uncle. i wanna fuck darcy. darcy. benny's little sister. yeah. i like her. i've wanted to get with her for a while now. yeah. she's so little, so pretty, and innocent. it's funny. last weekend at that block party. remember? she was handing out those watermelon slices. and i sat down over on the other side, and i watched her. i watched her eat the watermelon. and all this juice started running down her chin and onto her shirt. and after about two seconds, i got the biggest hard-on. i'm not joking. i wanted to take my dick out and start jacking right there. at that point and moment, darcy was like a vision of perfection. at that moment, at that block party, she represented everything holy about a virgin. i'm gonna fuck her tonight. i swear to god i'm gonna fuck her. i don't care motha fucka. i'll bet you money she fucks me. i guess so. i gotta stop off home too. i don't understand why you do that. that. yeah. why you give money. that's just it. it's elitist. it's reverse elitism. because you give money to whoever is the most fucked up. i notice what you do. whenever you see someone who's really messed up, especially amputees and retards. you give them money. but if it's just a regular bum, you pass them by. so. these people live on the same streets. it's just that you reserve your money for those people who are massively fucked up. the regular bums aren't poor enough for you, you gotta give it to the bottom of the barrel scum fucks. right. shut up. good luck? hi mom. we were out trying to find a job. i don't know. find a job. hey can i borrow some money? but then i won't need your money. yeah. shut the fuck up. twent, twenty-five, thirty-five, forty-five, fifty. i don't know. how much do you want? fifteen for me. ten for you. get the fuck out of here cat! you think darcy is gonna be at nasa tonight? naw. but we should run by the park and get a dime. maybe darcy will be at the park. you are? you want some? why not? you stink. mom. i'm gonna go out for a little while. not too late. not too late. hey mom. are you sure i can't get any money? just a few bucks. all right. none of that twigs and pebbles shit. you think so? he still does. it's not his fault. he had a hard life. you've heard the stories right? well, one day casper had a stomachache and he got permission from his teacher to leave school early and go home. so he walks into his house and hears some strange noises. the noises were coming from upstairs. in his parents room. so, this freaked the hell out of casper. he was just a little kid and he wasn't sure what to do. so he ran and got a big knife. the same knife his pops used to cut the turkey on thanksgiving with. so he heard his mom's screams, and knew that she was in trouble. it sounded like she was getting ready to be killed. like someone was kicking her in the head. so casper opened the door and he saw some big guy with a ski mask fucking his mother. what a sight for an 11 year old kid. and he goes and jumps on his parent's bed. and for a second he just looks and watches. and you know. casper loved his mom, he didn't want anything to happen to her. so he started stabbing this guy, over and over. but it was a mistake. so casper killed his father. he came home with a stomachache and ended up murdering his pops. it was a very embarrassing thing. so that's why casper is how he is. yep. no. i was just kidding. i lied. his dad is still alive. he works for the post office. uh oh. casper's in the mix. darcy!!! darcy!!! hey bennie. what's up? is your sister home? yeah. hold up man. hey. what are you doin right now? don't take a bath. come swimmin with us! come on. come swimmin with us. yeah. come on. i hope so. for now. i like 'em new. not like you. you look nice. is it cold? you know i've been thinking about you lately. yeah. after i saw you last week. yeah. i was lookin for you all day today. sure. i even thought about you when i woke up. i was like. i gotta find darcy. where is she at? i was lookin all over. naw. i'm not seeing anybody. what about you? she won't? why not? yeah. i can understand that. you should come back with me to steven's house. yeah. his parents are away. it's gonna be a bug out. come on. you can rave on another night. come on. it'll be fun. we'll just bug out. there should be a bunch of people. it'll be fun i promise. yeah. it'll be nice. it'll be a change of pace. that club shit gets boring. do you like kissing me? do you like me? i think you're like the best girl i've ever kissed. i don't even want to talk, but i gotta tell you that when i first saw you last week, i, i couldn't stop thinking about you. you've been stuck in my head. no. no, i'm serious. i'm not joking. i just like you. that's all. hey steven. yo steven. come on man. steven. yo, let me get in your parent's room man. just fir a litte while. come on steven hook me up. do me this solid. come on man. i gotta get darcy alone. she's gonna let me fuck her man. please. trust me. don't be nervous. i like you so much. i think you're beautiful. i think if we fucked you would love it. you wouldn't believe it. i just know. i know you'll love it. i'm telling you. there's nothing in the world to worry about. nothing. i'm telling you i just want to make you happy. that's all. just trust me. i don't want you to hurt you. i'll be gentle. of course i do. that's it. you're doin fine. come on darcy. that's it. shut the fucking door!!! when you're young. not much matters. when you find something that you care about, then that's all you got. when your young. a lot of the time fucking is all you have, hen you go to sleep at night, you dream of pussy. when you wake up, it's the same thing. it's in your face, in your dreams, you can't escape it. sometimes when you're young, the only place to go is inside. that's just it. fucking is what i love. take that away from me, and i really got nothin.